18-4301. INTERFERENCE WITH DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS, DRAINS OR RESERVOIRS. Every person who shall, without authority of the owner or managing agent, and with intent to defraud, take water from any canal, ditch, lateral, drain, flume or reservoir, used for the purpose of holding, draining or conveying water for manufacturing, agricultural, mining, or domestic uses, or […]
18-4302. WASTING WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION. Any person or persons, who shall wilfully or wantonly waste any of the waters of any stream, the waters of which are used for irrigation, to the detriment of any claimant of such water for irrigation purposes, by diverting the same for an unnecessary use or purpose, or by […]
18-4303. OBSTRUCTION OF OVERFLOW, GAUGE OR WATERWAY IN DAM. Any person or persons who shall obstruct any overflow, gauge or waterway, placed in any dam by order of any water master, so as to impede the flow of water over such dam as regulated by the water master, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. History: […]
18-4304. WRONGFUL DIVERSION OF WATER. Any person who without the consent of the water master of the district, diverts any water from a ditch or channel where it has been placed, or caused or left to run by the water master or his deputies, or who shuts or opens any ditch, gate or dam, or […]
18-4305. INTERFERENCE WITH HEADGATE — CUTTING BANKS OF STREAM. If any obstruction shall be wilfully and maliciously placed on any overflow gauge in any stream of water which is used for irrigation and is under control of a water master, and such obstruction retards or impedes the free overflow of the water of such stream, […]
18-4306. INJURIES TO DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS, DRAINS AND APPURTENANCES. Any person or persons, who shall willfully cut, break, damage, or in any way interfere with any ditch, canal, lateral, drain, headgate, or any other works in or appurtenant thereto, the property of another person, irrigation district, drainage district, canal company, corporation, or association of persons, […]
18-4307. INJURY TO MEASURING DEVICES. Any person or persons who shall cut, break, injure, destroy, enlarge, change, or alter any headgate, sluiceway, weir, water box, or other measuring device, the property of any irrigation district, corporation or association of persons, or in the possession of, or in the use of, said irrigation district, corporation, or […]
18-4308. CHANGE OF DITCH, CANAL, LATERAL, DRAIN OR BURIED IRRIGATION CONDUIT. Where any ditch, canal, lateral or drain has heretofore been, or may hereafter be, constructed across or beneath the lands of another, the person or persons owning or controlling the said land, shall have the right at his own expense to change said ditch, […]
18-4309. UNAUTHORIZED TAMPERING WITH MEASURING DEVICES. Every person who shall willfully waste water for irrigation, or who shall willfully open, close, change or disturb, or interfere with, any headgate or water box or valve or measuring or regulating device, without authority, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The water masters or their assistants, within their […]
18-4310. NEGLECT TO DELIVER WATER — INTERFERENCE WITH DELIVERY. Any superintendent or any person having control or charge of the said ditch, canal or conduit, who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to deliver water as provided in chapter 9, of title 42, or person or persons who shall prevent or interfere with the proper delivery […]