18-5801. USE OF A LIFE JACKET OR FLOTATION DEVICE IN A SWIMMING POOL. No person shall prohibit the use of a life jacket or other flotation device in a swimming pool by an individual who, as evidenced by a statement signed by a licensed physician, suffers from a physical disability or condition which necessitates the […]
18-5803. EXPOSURE OF ANIMAL CARCASSES. Every person who puts the carcass of any dead animal, or the offal of any slaughter pen, corral or butcher shop, into any river, creek, pond, street, alley, public highway or road in common use, or who attempts to destroy the same by fire within one-fourth (1/4) of a mile […]
18-5804. SLAUGHTER AND SALE OF FAMISHED ANIMALS. Every person who slaughters, offers or exposes for sale to the public any animal or animals that have been confined for forty-eight (48) hours or more without proper food, or twenty (20) hours without water, is guilty of a misdemeanor. History: [18-5804, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, […]
18-5807. LEAVING CARCASSES NEAR HIGHWAYS, DWELLINGS AND STREAMS, AND POLLUTION OF WATER USED FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES. Any person who shall knowingly leave the carcass of any animal within a quarter of a mile of any inhabited dwelling, or on, along or within a quarter of a mile of any public highway or stream of water, […]
18-5808. PERMITTING MISCHIEVOUS ANIMAL AT LARGE. If the owner of a mischievous animal, knowing its propensities, wilfully suffers it to go at large, or keeps it without ordinary care, and such animal, while so at large, or while not kept with ordinary care, kills any human being who has taken all the precautions which circumstances […]
18-5810. BLIND PERSONS ONLY MAY USE WHITE OR RED AND WHITE CANES. No person, except those wholly or partially blind, shall carry or use on any street, highway, or in any other public place a cane or walking stick which is white in color, or white tipped with red. History: [18-5810, added 1972, ch. 336, […]
18-5811. ACTION REQUIRED TO AVOID ACCIDENT OR INJURY TO INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES — PROHIBITED INTENTIONAL ACTIONS — PENALTIES. (1) Any person, whether a pedestrian, operating a vehicle or otherwise, who approaches an individual appearing to be an individual with a disability or lawfully using an assistance device or a service dog, and who: (a) Intentionally […]
18-5811A. UNLAWFUL USE OF ASSISTANCE DEVICE, ASSISTANCE ANIMAL, OR SERVICE DOG. Any person, not being an individual with a disability or being trained to assist individuals with disabilities, who uses an assistance device, an assistance animal, or a service dog in an attempt to gain treatment or benefits as an individual with a disability is […]
18-5812. BATTERY TO ASSISTANCE ANIMALS, SERVICE DOGS, AND DOGS-IN-TRAINING — PENALTIES. (1) Any person who: (a) Permits any animal that is owned, harbored, or controlled by him to cause injury to or the death of any assistance animal, service dog, or dog-in-training is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Intentionally causes injury to or the death […]
18-5812A. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY SERVICE DOGS — PENALTY FOR INTENTIONAL VIOLATION. (1) An individual with a disability shall not be denied the use of any common carrier or public transportation facility or admittance to any hotel, motel, cafe, elevator, housing for sale or rent, or any other place of public accommodation […]
18-5812B. PERSON MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY A SERVICE DOG-IN-TRAINING — LIABILITY. (1) A person shall not be denied the use of any common carrier or public transportation facility or admittance to any hotel, motel, cafe, elevator, or any other place of public accommodation within the state of Idaho by reason of being accompanied by a […]
18-5816. ABANDONMENT OF AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS WITHOUT REMOVING DOOR LOCKS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to abandon, or to permit to remain in an abandoned state on his premises or on premises over which he exercises control, within the state of Idaho, any ice box, refrigerator, deep freeze, or similar appliance […]
18-5817. "ABANDON" DEFINED AS LEAVING TO ATTRACT CHILDREN. "Abandon" means leaving unattended and uninclosed such appliance, in such manner and for such time that playing children may be attracted thereto, whether left upon the premises of the owner of the appliance or upon other premises. History: [I.C., sec. 18-5817, as added by 1972, ch. 336, […]
18-5818. VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR. Any violation of this act shall constitute a misdemeanor. History: [I.C., sec. 18-5818, as added by 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 958.]