18-7501. AIRCRAFT HIJACKING DEFINED — PENALTY. The offense of aircraft hijacking is defined as the seizure or exercise of control, by force or violence or threat of force or violence, of any aircraft within the airspace jurisdiction of the state of Idaho. Any person convicted of the offense of aircraft hijacking shall suffer life imprisonment. […]
18-7502. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO COMMIT AIRCRAFT HIJACKING DEFINED — PENALTY. The offense of assault with intent to commit aircraft hijacking is defined as an intimidation, threat, assault or battery toward any flight crew member, attendant or employee, as to lessen the ability of such member, attendant, or employee to perform his duties, with the […]
18-7503. WEAPONS ABOARD AIRCRAFT — PENALTY. (1) No person, while aboard an airplane being operated by a holder of a certificate issued by the federal government or the state of Idaho, shall carry on or about his person a deadly or dangerous weapon, either concealed or unconcealed; nor shall any person enter or attempt to […]
18-7504. THREATS MADE AGAINST AIRLINE PASSENGERS, OTHER PERSONS, COMMERCIAL AIRLINE COMPANIES, OR AIRCRAFT — PENALTY. (1) Every person who knowingly and wilfully threatens the safety and well-being of any passenger, flight crew member or flight attendant, aboard any aircraft by making telephone, verbal, or written threats against any airline or aircraft within the airspace jurisdiction […]
18-7505. INDICTMENT AND TRIAL JURISDICTION. Any offense occurring aboard an aircraft is declared to be a continuing offense from the point of beginning to the point of termination of the flight, and jurisdiction to prosecute a person accused of such an offense shall be in any county of Idaho over which or in which the […]