21-401. AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE FACILITIES — EXPENSE — ISSUANCE OF BONDS — DUTIES OF COMMISSIONERS AND COUNCILMEN — RESTRICTION ON LEASE OF FACILITIES. Counties, highway districts and cities are hereby authorized to acquire by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, take over and hold lands either wholly or partly within or without the boundaries or corporate […]
21-403. COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES MAY SHARE IN COST OF AIRPORTS. Recognizing the need for airports as part of the national defense system and the inability of one (1) municipality or one (1) county to finance the cost of such construction and maintenance thereof within its own limits or boundaries, it is the intent and purpose […]
21-404. TAX LEVY AUTHORIZED. Any county or municipality may levy on all of the taxable property of said county or said municipality, for the purpose of building and maintaining an airport either within or without the boundaries of such county or municipality, a tax not to exceed four hundredths percent (.04%) of market value for […]
21-405. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS FOR DIVISION OF COSTS. Any county may enter into agreements with other contiguous counties or with any municipality within or without said county, and any municipality may enter into agreements with other municipalities either within or without the county wherein said municipality is located; or with any county or counties within, this […]
21-406. FUNDS TO CARRY OUT CONTRACTS. For the purpose of carrying out the terms of any contract or agreement entered into pursuant to the provisions of this act, such municipality or county may use any funds at its disposal, not otherwise appropriated. History: [21-406, added 1941, ch. 103, sec. 4, p. 184.]