21-801. PURPOSE — DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL AIRPORTS. The purpose of this act is to provide for the development of regional airports in the state of Idaho, with the financial participation of the individual counties to be based on benefits received therefrom. In determining benefits received, it is the express intention of the legislature that the […]
21-802. DIVISION INTO REGIONS. For the purpose of this act, the state of Idaho is divided into five (5) air regions, consisting of the following counties, to-wit: the northern region shall consist of Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai and Shoshone counties; the north central region shall consist of Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce counties; […]
21-803. APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES. The Idaho transportation board shall, upon receipt of a petition signed by not less than twenty-five (25) electors from each legislative district within an air region as described in section 21-802, Idaho Code, appoint an interim board of trustees to consist of one (1) appointee from each legislative district […]
21-804. DEGREE OF FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION BY COUNTIES. Each interim board of trustees shall, with the advice and assistance of the Idaho transportation board, establish a formula for the degree of financial participation in a regional airport authority by each such county in the region, based upon the benefits each county would receive therefrom. In establishing […]
21-805. REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY — ESTABLISHMENT BY ELECTION. A regional airport authority may be established by the vote of the electors of such region, voting at an election called and held as provided in chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code, with special provisions as provided in this chapter: (a) A petition signed by not less […]
21-805A. ANNEXATION TO EXISTING AUTHORITY — ELECTION. Subsequent to the organization of a regional airport authority, any county which is contiguous and which voted in the negative and was excluded from the authority at the time of the election held as provided in section 21-805, Idaho Code, may vote to join the authority. The provisions […]
21-805B. WITHDRAWAL FROM EXISTING AUTHORITY — ELECTION — INDEBTEDNESS APPORTIONMENT — TRUSTEE REPRESENTATION. Subsequent to the organization of a regional airport authority, the electors of any county which has joined the regional airport authority may call for an election to have such county withdraw from the authority in the manner, and subject to the provisions, […]
21-806. ELECTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. At the next succeeding primary election following the creation of any such regional airport authority, the electors of each of the legislative districts within the participating counties within such region shall elect, on a nonpartisan basis, a member of the authority’s permanent board of trustees, hereinafter referred to as […]
21-807. POWERS OF BOARD. The board of any authority established under the provisions of this act shall have power: (1) To sue and be sued; (2) To acquire, hold, and dispose of personal property; (3) To acquire, in the name of the authority by purchase or condemnation, real property or rights or easements therein necessary […]
21-808. ISSUANCE OF BONDS. Subject to and consistent with the percentage of financial participation determined by the board and approved by the electors of the region, as provided in sections 21-804 and 21-805, Idaho Code, or as determined by the board as provided in section 21-807(14), Idaho Code, an authority may secure the necessary funds […]
21-809. BOND ISSUE — SUBMISSION TO ELECTORS FOR APPROVAL. No general obligation bonds shall be issued until the question whether the bonds shall be issued is submitted to the qualified electors of the participating counties of the region and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting upon the question. As used in this […]
21-810. RECORDS — AUDITS — BONDS. The board shall provide for the proper and safe keeping of its permanent records and for the recording of the action of the authority. It shall keep a true and accurate account of its receipts and an annual audit shall be made of its books, records and accounts, as […]
21-811. PURPOSE — EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION. It is hereby found, determined, and declared that the creation of a regional airport authority is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state of Idaho, for the improvement of their welfare and prosperity, and for the promotion of their transportation, and is a public […]
21-812. ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS. Regional airport authorities may issue revenue bonds in the same manner and form as under the municipal bond law contained in chapter 10, title 50, Idaho Code; provided that the ordinance required therein shall be by resolution of the board of trustees. For the purpose of this section, the term […]
21-814. DISSOLUTION OF AUTHORITY. A regional airport authority shall be, or may be, dissolved in accordance with the provisions herein provided: (a) If following the withdrawal pursuant to the provisions of section 21-805B, Idaho Code, of any county from a previously organized regional airport authority there shall remain in such authority less than three (3) […]