3-401. PURPOSE OF CHAPTER. Recognizing that the practice of the legal profession is a privilege granted by the state and not a natural right of the individual, it is deemed necessary as a matter of business policy and in the interests of the public to provide laws and provisions covering the granting of that privilege […]
3-402. ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD — MEMBERS — TERM OF OFFICE — ELECTION. In order to more effectively carry out the purposes and intents of this act, there is hereby established in the department of self-governing agencies a board of commissioners of the Idaho State Bar, consisting of five (5) members to hold office for a […]
3-403. TIME AND MANNER OF ELECTION. The board of commissioners shall be elected by the members of the Idaho State Bar who are eligible to vote in the election and who shall vote by ballot. The candidate from any division receiving the greatest number of votes of that division shall thereby be elected commissioner from […]
3-404. DIVISIONS OF IDAHO STATE BAR. For the purposes of this act, the northern division of the Idaho State Bar will consist of Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, Shoshone, Latah, Nez Perce, Lewis, Clearwater and Idaho counties and all counties hereafter created therefrom. The western division shall consist of Payette, Gem, Washington, Canyon, Owyhee, Twin Falls, […]
3-405. MEMBER OF THE IDAHO STATE BAR DEFINED. All persons who have been heretofore, or shall hereafter be, duly admitted to practice law before the supreme court of this state, and who have not been disbarred or suspended therefrom, and who shall have paid the license fee in this chapter provided for, and all attorney […]
3-406. NOMINATIONS TO OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER. Nomination to the office of commissioner shall be by the written petition of not less than five (5) or more than ten (10) members of the Idaho State Bar in good standing. Any number of candidates may be nominated on a single petition. Such nominating petition shall be mailed […]
3-407. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD. On the fourth Tuesday following the certification of their names the first commissioners shall meet at the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court and organize by the election of the following officers of the Idaho State Bar and its board of commissioners, namely: a president, a vice-president and […]
3-408. ADMISSION TO PRACTICE AND DISBARMENT PROCEEDINGS — RULES AND BYLAWS — POWER OF BOARD TO ADOPT — SUPERVISORY POWER OF SUPREME COURT. The board of commissioners shall have power to determine, by rules, subject to the approval of the supreme court, the qualifications and requirements for admission to the practice of the law and […]
3-409. LICENSE FEES AND APPROPRIATIONS. (1) Every person practicing, or holding himself out as practicing law within this state, or holding himself out to the public as a person qualified to practice or carry on the calling of a lawyer within this state, except state and United States judges of the courts of record within […]
3-410. RECEIPTS AND LICENSE — ISSUANCE. The secretary of the board shall issue a receipt to each person paying said license fee and shall, if such person shall have theretofore been admitted to practice law in this state by the Supreme Court and not disbarred or then under suspension, thereupon issue to such person a […]
3-411. DISBURSEMENTS — POWER OF BOARD — COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES. For the purpose of carrying out the objects of this chapter, and in the exercise of the powers therein granted and duties hereby imposed, the board shall have power to make orders concerning disbursements; no member of the board shall receive any compensation for his […]
3-412. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE — ADOPTION OF RULES — SUPERVISORY POWER OF SUPREME COURT. The board of commissioners shall establish rules, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court, governing procedure in cases and investigations involving alleged misconduct of members of the Idaho State Bar, and to make and create committees for the purpose of investigating […]
3-413. APPROVAL OF RULES BY SUPREME COURT REQUIRED. The rules and regulations made by the board shall, before becoming effective, be submitted to and approved by the Supreme Court of the state of Idaho. History: [(3-413) 1923, ch. 211, sec. 12, p. 343; am. 1925, ch. 89, sec. 7, p. 124; I.C.A., sec. 3-413.]
3-414. POWER OF SUBPOENA. In the investigation of charges of professional misconduct the board, and any committee appointed by it for this purpose, shall have the power to summon and examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance and the production of books, papers, documents and other writings necessary or material to the inquiry. Such […]
3-415. RIGHTS OF ACCUSED MEMBER. Any member of the Idaho State Bar complained of shall have notice and opportunity to defend by the introduction of evidence and the examination of witnesses called against him, and the right to be represented by counsel. He shall also have the right to summon witnesses to appear and testify […]
3-416. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS. A complete record of the proceedings and evidence taken by the board, committee or commissioner shall be made and preserved by the board. History: [(3-416) 1923, ch. 211, sec. 15, p. 343; I.C.A., sec. 3-416.]
3-417. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAR — ELECTION — SPECIAL MEETINGS — NOTICE OF MEETINGS. There shall be an annual meeting of the Idaho State Bar presided over by the president of the board, and open to all members of the Idaho State Bar in good standing, and held at such time and place as […]
3-418. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE — INVESTIGATIONS, STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF BOARD. The governor, Supreme Court, or the legislature of the state of Idaho, may request of the board an investigation and study of and recommendations upon any matter relating to the courts of this state, practice and procedure therein, practice of the law, and the […]
3-419. ADVANCEMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE — IMPROVEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. The Idaho State Bar and its board of commissioners shall have the power and authority to aid in the advancement of the science of jurisprudence and in the improvement of the administration of justice. History: [(3-419) 1923, ch. 211, sec. 16B, as added by 1929, […]
3-420. UNLAWFUL PRACTICE OF LAW — PENALTY. If any person shall, without having become duly admitted and licensed to practice law within this state or whose right or license to practice therein shall have terminated either by disbarment, suspension, failure to pay his license or otherwise, practice or assume to act or hold himself out […]