39-2801. DEFINITIONS. When used in this chapter: (1) "Vector" means an animal, such as an insect, that transmits a disease producing organism from one host to another. (2) "Vermin" means small animals, including insects, of public health and welfare concern which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers. History: [39-2801, added 2007, […]
39-2801A. AUTHORIZATION TO FORM ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. There may be formed, under the provisions of this chapter, districts for the abatement of mosquitoes or other vermin of public health and welfare importance, in any area of the state from territory of one (1) or more counties, one (1) or more cities or towns, or any combination […]
39-2802. PROCEDURES FOR FORMATION OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. (1) Abatement districts may be formed in the following ways: (a) Upon presentation to the board of county commissioners of a petition requesting the formation of an abatement district, which is signed by property owners of the territory of the proposed abatement district, equal to not less than […]
39-2803. SELECTION OF OFFICIALS OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. A board of trustees shall be appointed from those residing within the area of the proposed abatement district to govern the abatement district. The trustees appointed shall at the first meeting of each year elect a president, secretary, and treasurer to serve during the ensuing year. The officers […]
39-2804. POWERS AND DUTIES OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. The abatement district board of trustees is authorized: (1) To appoint a director to direct the activities of the district, in accordance with training and experience necessary to fulfill the duties of the position. (2) To appoint such other persons as necessary, determine their duties and compensation, and […]
39-2805. METHOD OF FINANCING ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. The board of county commissioners must levy upon taxable property within the district a tax at a rate not greater than sufficient to raise the amount determined by the board of trustees as approved by the board of county commissioners, as necessary for the operation of the district for […]
39-2806. ANNEXATION TO ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. Contiguous territories may be annexed to organized abatement districts upon petition of a majority of the legal voters in the territory seeking annexation and of the owners of more than half, by assessed value, of the taxable property in such territory, or by written request for annexation of a designated […]
39-2807. CONSOLIDATION OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. Two (2) or more contiguous districts may be consolidated. Any district board of trustees may seek consolidation by adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of its members. Consolidation is accomplished by a majority vote of the members of each of the boards of trustees involved in the consolidation. […]
39-2808. EXISTING RIGHTS PRESERVED. It is the purpose of this act to provide additional and cumulative remedies to prevent, abate and control the spread of mosquitoes and/or other vermin affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the people of the state of Idaho. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to abridge or alter rights […]
39-2809. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the "Idaho Mosquito and Vermin Abatement Act." History: [39-2809, added 1959, ch. 81, sec. 10, p. 186; am. 2007, ch. 188, sec. 7, p. 551.]
39-2810. WITHDRAWAL. Any portion of an abatement district which will not be reasonably benefited by remaining within such district may be withdrawn as in this section provided. Upon receiving a petition signed by fifty (50) or more landowners within the portion desired to be withdrawn from any abatement district, or by a majority of such […]
39-2811. HEARING OF PETITION FOR WITHDRAWAL. Any person interested may appear at the hearing and object to the withdrawal of the portion from the district, or may object to the continuance of the remaining territory as an abatement district. The board of county commissioners shall consider all objections and shall pass upon the same, and […]
39-2812. PESTS — PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE — DISASTERS — EMERGENCIES — INTERIM ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. (1) To provide for the timely response to an elevated or anticipated pest population that may constitute a risk to public health and welfare, the board of county commissioners of each county of this state, in collaboration with duly recognized […]
39-2813. OPERATION OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS BY COUNTY. Any district board of trustees may seek operation of the district by the board of county commissioners by adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of its members and by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners may provide by […]
39-2814. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable and if any provision of this chapter or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is declared invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter. History: [39-2814, added 2007, […]