39-5201. DECLARATION OF POLICY. The legislature finds that domestic violence is an issue of growing concern. Research findings show that domestic violence constitutes a significant percentage of homicides, aggravated assaults, and assaults and batteries in the United States. Domestic violence is a disruptive influence on personal and community life and is often interrelated with a […]
39-5202. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Domestic violence" means the physical injury, sexual abuse or forced imprisonment or threat thereof of a family or household member. (2) "Family or household member" means one who is related by blood, marriage, or who resides or has resided with or has been married to the person […]
39-5203. COUNCIL ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE. (1) The Idaho council on domestic violence and victim assistance is hereby established. The council shall be the advisory body for programs and services affecting victims of domestic violence and other crimes in Idaho. (2) For budgetary purposes and for administrative support purposes, the council shall be […]
39-5204. COMPOSITION. The council shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the governor. At least one (1) member shall reside in each of the substate regions established pursuant to section 39-104, Idaho Code. Members shall represent persons who are victims of domestic violence, care providers, law enforcement officials, medical and mental health personnel, counselors, […]
39-5205. APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE. Each member of the council shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, except that of the members first appointed; two (2) shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year, two (2) shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years, and three (3) […]
39-5206. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES. Members of the council shall be entitled to receive actual and necessary expenses plus compensation as provided in section 59-509(g), Idaho Code. History: [39-5206, added 1982, ch. 181, sec. 1, p. 471.]
39-5207. ORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL — EMPLOYMENT OF NECESSARY PERSONNEL. (1) The council shall annually designate one (1) of its members to serve as chairman and one (1) member to serve as vice chairman, who shall act as chairman in the chairman’s absence. The chairman shall call meetings as provided in the rules of the council. […]
39-5208. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES. The council shall: (1) Establish standards for projects applying for grants from the council under this chapter; (2) Disseminate information on availability of funds and the application process; (3) Receive grant applications for the development and establishment of projects for victims of domestic violence and certain other crimes; (4) Distribute funds […]
39-5209. RULES. The council shall promulgate, adopt and amend rules and criteria to implement the provisions of this chapter regarding applications and grants for domestic violence project funding and for funding under any other grant program administered by the council. Such promulgation, adoption and amendment shall be in compliance with the provisions of chapter 52, […]
39-5210. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS. To be eligible for domestic violence grants pursuant to this chapter, a project must provide a safe house or refuge and a crisis line, except in the case of a project providing services to batterers. No funds may be granted to batterer programs from the domestic violence project account which are derived […]
39-5211. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS. To qualify for domestic violence grants under the provisions of this chapter, an applicant must: (1) Propose to operate and provide an eligible project; (2) Be a private, nonprofit corporation of the state of Idaho, or a public entity of the state of Idaho; (3) Provide matching moneys equal to twenty-five […]
39-5212. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROJECT ACCOUNT. There is hereby created in the state operating fund the domestic violence project account. Moneys received from the fees imposed by section 39-5213, Idaho Code, and section 39-6312, Idaho Code, shall be credited to the account and shall be perpetually appropriated to the council on domestic violence and victim assistance […]
39-5213. FEE IMPOSED. (1) In addition to the fee due to the county recorder of each county of this state under the provisions of section 31-3205, Idaho Code, for the issuance of a marriage license, the recorder shall collect upon presentation of proper identification by the applicants an additional fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for […]