42-2801. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS — AUTHORITY IN IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE PROCEEDINGS. The boards of county commissioners of the several counties of the state of Idaho are hereby authorized and empowered to make all necessary orders for and cause to be constructed and maintained public drainage or irrigation systems, reservoirs, drains and ditches and other […]
42-2802. ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING WORKS — PURCHASE AND COMPLETION OF INCOMPLETE WORKS — PURCHASE AND COMPLETION OF PAYMENTS ON PARTIALLY PAID STORAGE RIGHTS. The board of county commissioners may enlarge, improve or extend existing reservoirs, canals and other irrigation and drainage works to provide for the irrigation or drainage of additional lands in such county, […]
42-2803. ELECTION PROCEDURE SAME AS IN OTHER COUNTY BOND ELECTIONS. In calling and holding such elections and canvassing the vote and in all other proceedings not otherwise provided herein, the board of county commissioners shall follow the procedure prescribed by law for county bond elections, and at such elections to authorize indebtedness, the electors shall […]
42-2804. PETITION — DEPOSIT OF PETITIONERS. Before any public irrigation or drainage work specified in this chapter shall be established, a petition signed by one hundred (100), or twenty-five per cent (25%) of the owners of the land described in such petition, as the land proposed to be benefited, setting forth the necessity therefor, that […]
42-2805. DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES — EXAMINATION AND REPORT ON PRACTICABILITY OF PLAN — CALLING OF ELECTION — PROCEDURE UPON APPROVAL OF BOND ISSUE — APPEAL. Upon the filing of the petition, and the making of the cash deposit, as herein provided, the board of county commissioners shall within thirty (30) days […]
42-2806. CONTRACTS — PROCEDURE FOR MAKING SIMILAR TO THAT IN IRRIGATION DISTRICTS — EXCEPTION — APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR. In making contracts for the construction or purchase of irrigation or drainage works or the right to the use of works constructed or to be constructed, the county commissioners shall proceed in similar manner as provided by […]
42-2807. LANDS ASSESSED — STATE LANDS. All lands directly benefitted by any irrigation or drainage project, or any irrigation or drainage works established under this chapter, and all public or corporate roads or railroads so benefitted in whole or in part, shall be assessed in proportion to the benefits for the construction thereof. All lands […]
42-2808. COOPERATION WITH STATE UNDER CAREY ACT. All counties in which irrigation projects shall be established under the provisions of this chapter by order of the board of county commissioners and all counties containing part or portion of the lands to be irrigated or reclaimed under any such project, are hereby authorized to cooperate with […]
42-2809. COUNTIES AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS IRRIGATION DISTRICT. For the purpose of performing the acts and exercising the powers granted by section 43-1801 of the Idaho Code and the act of Congress of August 11, 1916, entitled "An Act to Promote Reclamation of Arid Lands," (39 Stat. 506), counties in which irrigation projects have been […]
42-2810. COOPERATION WITH FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER FEDERAL RECLAMATION LAWS. Any county in which any irrigation or drainage project shall have been established under the provisions of this chapter by order of the board of county commissioners, or which contains any part of the irrigable lands of such projects so established, is hereby authorized to cooperate […]
42-2811. BONDS TO BE ISSUED AFTER LIEN STATEMENT FILED — DIRECT OBLIGATION OF COUNTY — FORM, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS — PROVISIONS FOR PAYMENT. The board of county commissioners of each and every county wherein any irrigation or drainage projects are proposed to be wholly or partially located and established, or wherein lands are located which […]
42-2812. SINKING FUND. The board of county commissioners of any county in which any irrigation or drainage project is established under this chapter are authorized to provide by resolution for a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter and for such purpose and in order to provide […]
42-2813. LIEN STATEMENT — CONTENTS. At the earliest practicable time after the letting of the contract for the construction or use of any irrigation or drainage works as herein provided, the auditor of each county affected thereby shall make in tabular form a list and statement showing the following facts and in the order named, […]
42-2814. LIEN STATEMENT — EXECUTION — FILING — EFFECT. Such statement shall then be signed by the county auditor in the presence of two (2) attesting witnesses and be duly acknowledged by him, and shall then be duly filed and recorded by the county recorder of such county. The amount which each tract of land […]
42-2815. INTEREST — PREMIUM ON BONDS. The amount that each tract of land, public or corporate road or railroad shall be liable for on account of the establishment of any irrigation or drainage project under the provisions of this chapter shall bear interest from the date of the filing of the auditor’s statement in the […]
42-2816. LIENS — HOW PAID — TAXES. The payment of such liens shall be made to the same county officer to whom other county taxes are required by law to be paid and become due and delinquent on the same day of the year as other county taxes. The date of the maturity of said […]
42-2817. LIENS AND PAYMENTS — SUBDIVISIONS OF LIEN. In all cases in which a lien has been established against any tract or tracts of land comprising more than one government lot or forty-acre subdivision by reason of benefits assessed thereon in any irrigation or drainage project established under this chapter, and no instalment of such […]
42-2818. REPAIRS — ASSESSMENTS — LANDS IN OTHER COUNTIES. After the construction of any such public drainage or irrigation project within the state of Idaho under this chapter, and until the board of county commissioners shall have made a suitable contract with some existing irrigation or drainage district, or ditch or irrigation company for the […]
42-2819. DISTRIBUTION OF RESERVOIR OR OTHER WATER THROUGH EXISTING CANAL SYSTEMS — COOPERATION WITH COMPANIES AND DISTRICTS. In all cases where the lands assessed for any water supply or any reservoir or reservoir capacity constructed or made available under the provisions of this chapter lie in whole or in part under any existing canal system, […]
42-2820. OPERATING DISTRICTS — WHEN CREATED — VESTED WITH POWERS OF IRRIGATION DISTRICTS — BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The lands assessed for benefits of any irrigation or drainage project established under this chapter and not lying under or within the area capable of irrigation from an existing canal system with the owners of which system the […]