47-201. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CREATED — PURPOSE — ADVISORY BOARD. There is hereby created the Idaho geological survey, to be administered as a special program at the university of Idaho under the authority of the board of regents of the university of Idaho. The survey shall be the lead state agency for the collection, interpretation, and […]
47-202. MEETINGS — OFFICE — STATE GEOLOGIST. The advisory board shall hold an annual meeting at the university of Idaho, Boise state university or Idaho state university and such other meetings as it may determine. The chief office of said survey shall be maintained at the university of Idaho. The director of the survey shall […]
47-203. DUTIES — PUBLICATIONS — COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES — SATELLITE OFFICES. It shall be the duty of the said state survey to conduct statewide studies in the field; laboratory studies; prepare and publish reports on the geology, hydrogeology, geologic hazards and mineral resources of the state; fix a price upon printed reports not used […]
47-204. REPORTS. The state geological survey shall annually, on or before the first day of January, make to the governor of the state and to the president of the university of Idaho a report detailing major events during the previous year concerning the geology and mineral resources of the state, a report of its expenditures […]