Section 50-1001 – FISCAL YEAR.
50-1001. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of each city shall commence on the first day of October. History: [50-1001, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 161, p. 1249; am. 1976, ch. 45, sec. 1, p. 123.]
50-1001. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of each city shall commence on the first day of October. History: [50-1001, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 161, p. 1249; am. 1976, ch. 45, sec. 1, p. 123.]
50-1002. ANNUAL BUDGET. (1) The city council of each city shall, prior to passing the annual appropriation ordinance, prepare a budget estimating the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes for which an appropriation is to be made, including interest and principal due on the bonded debt and sinking fund, itemizing and classifying the […]
50-1003. ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL — AMENDING APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE — SPECIAL APPROPRIATION UPON PETITION OR ELECTION. (1) The city council of each city shall, prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, pass an ordinance to be termed the annual appropriation ordinance, which in no event shall be greater than the amount of the proposed budget, […]
50-1004. SPECIAL TAX ASSESSMENT — WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND. At the time of passing the annual appropriation ordinance, said city councils, unless provision shall have been made as provided by law for the funding, refunding, purchase, redemption or exchange of the outstanding city warrant indebtedness, must, whenever any city shall have warrants outstanding and unpaid, for […]
50-1005A. ACCUMULATION OF FUND BALANCES. Cities may accumulate fund balances at the end of a fiscal year and carry over such fund balances into the ensuing fiscal year sufficient to achieve or maintain city operations on a cash basis. A fund balance is the excess of the assets of a fund over its liabilities and […]
50-1006. EXPENDITURES NOT TO EXCEED APPROPRIATION — EXCEPTIONS. The mayor and council shall have no power to appropriate, issue or draw on the treasurer for money unless the same has been appropriated or ordered by ordinance, or the claim for the payment of which such order or warrant is issued has been allowed according to […]
50-1007. CERTIFICATION AND COLLECTION OF CITY TAXES. The council of each city not later than the second Monday in September, as provided in section 63-803(3), Idaho Code, shall certify to the county commissioners of the county, the total amount required from a property tax upon property within the city to raise the amount of money […]
50-1008. COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS — CERTIFICATION TO TAX COLLECTOR. All special assessments levied in any city to which the provisions of this act are made applicable shall be due and payable to the city treasurer and, if not paid within thirty (30) days after mailing of notification of assessment, shall be declared delinquent and […]
50-1010. AUDIT OF CITY FINANCES — AUDIT TO BE FILED. It shall be the duty of the council in every city to cause to be made a full and complete audit of the financial statements of such city as required in section 67-450B, Idaho Code. The council shall be required to include all necessary expenses […]
50-1011. PUBLICATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — NONCOMPLIANCE. It shall be the duty of the city treasurer to cause to be published quarterly during each fiscal year for at least one (1) insertion in the official newspaper of the city, a full statement of each separate account, fund or appropriation for the year to date, and […]
50-1013. DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF FUNDS. The treasurer shall be required to keep all money in his hands belonging to the corporation in such place or places of deposit as shall be provided by ordinance; provided, however, that the treasurer may be directed and empowered by resolution, to invest any money in his hands in […]
50-1013A. INVESTMENT OF DEPOSITS OF DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS. A municipal corporation, in administering a deferred compensation plan, shall be governed by the uniform prudent investor act, chapter 5, title 68, Idaho Code. History: [50-1013A, added 1989, ch. 249, sec. 1, p. 599; am. 1997, ch. 14, sec. 4, p. 18.]
50-1014. TRANSFER OF FUNDS. The city council of the cities may transfer an unexpended balance in one fund to the credit of another fund. History: [50-1014, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 174, p. 1249.]
50-1015. DISPOSITION OF LICENSE FEES AND FINES. All license fees of every character and all fines and penalties recovered under the provisions of any city ordinance shall be paid into the city treasury for the use and benefit of the general fund, except that the council may transfer and distribute the moneys or revenue, in […]
50-1015A. DISPOSITION OF PARKING FEES AND FINES. All moneys collected for the regulation of parking on city streets, whether collected through city parking meters or by the city clerk, shall not be subject to disposition in the same manner as moneys collected for violations of city ordinances, but shall be placed in the general fund […]
50-1016. DEDUCTIONS FROM WAGES. Any city may deduct, upon written approval of the individual employee, sums certain from said employee’s salary or wages for the purpose of paying said sums for premiums on group life, health, accident, disability, hospital and surgical insurance, or any other purposes approved by the city council. Any city may pay […]
50-1017. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. All claims against the city shall be approved by the city council prior to the payment of such claims and the city council shall establish and maintain an adequate and reasonable system of internal accounting controls. No costs shall be recovered against such city in any action brought against it for […]
50-1018. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Upon approval of claims by the council, payment may be ordered by warrant or by electronic means, signed by or authorized by the mayor and clerk or by check or by electronic means signed by or authorized by the mayor and treasurer. The order for their payment shall specify the particular […]
50-1019. PURPOSES FOR WHICH BONDS MAY BE ISSUED — LIMITATION ON AMOUNT. Every city incorporated under the laws of the territory of Idaho or of the state of Idaho shall have power and authority to issue city coupon bonds not to exceed in aggregate at any time, ten per cent (10%) of the assessed full […]
50-1020. WATERWORKS — LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS — SEWERAGE SYSTEMS. Every city incorporated under the laws of the territory of Idaho or of the state of Idaho shall have power and authority to issue city coupon bonds in a sufficient amount to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, waterworks plants and water supply, light and power […]