50-901. ORDINANCES — STYLE — PUBLICATION — WHEN EFFECTIVE — IMMEDIATE OPERATION IN EMERGENCIES. The style of all ordinances shall be: "Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of ………" and all ordinances of a general nature, unless otherwise required by law, shall, before they take effect and within one (1) […]
50-901A. SUMMARIZATION OF ORDINANCES PERMITTED — REQUIREMENTS. (1) In lieu of publishing the entire ordinance under section 50-901, Idaho Code, the city may publish a summary of the ordinance which summary shall be approved by the governing body and which shall include: (a) The name of the city; (b) The formal identification or citation number […]
50-902. PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES. The passage or adoption of every ordinance, and every resolution or order to enter a contract shall be by roll call of the council with the yea or nay of each being recorded, and to pass or adopt any ordinance or any such resolution or order, a majority of the council […]
50-903. GRANT OF POWER. Any city is hereby empowered to revise, codify, and compile from time to time and to publish in book or pamphlet form all ordinances of such city of a general and permanent nature and to make such changes, alterations, modifications, additions and substitutions therein as it may deem best to the […]
50-904. ARRANGEMENT OF ORDINANCES. The ordinances in such revision, codification and compilation shall be arranged in appropriate chapters, articles and sections, excluding the titles, enacting clauses, signatures of the mayor, attestations and other formal parts. History: [50-904, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 155, p. 1249.]
50-905. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. Such revision shall be by one (1) ordinance embracing all ordinances of a general and permanent nature preserved as changed or added to and perfected by such revision, codification and compilation and shall be a repeal of all ordinances in conflict with such revision, codification and compilation, but all ordinances […]
50-906. PUBLICATION IN BOOK OR PAMPHLET FORM. Such ordinances when so revised, codified, compiled and published in book or pamphlet form by authority of the city need not be printed or published in any other manner. History: [50-906, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 157, p. 1249.]
50-907. CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDS. (1) "Permanent records" shall consist of: (a) Adopted meeting minutes of the city council and city boards and commissions; (b) Ordinances and resolutions; (c) Building plans and specifications for commercial projects and government buildings; (d) Fiscal year-end financial reports; (e) Records affecting the title to real property or […]
50-908. DESIGNATION, POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MUNICIPAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICERS — DUTIES OF CITY OFFICIALS CONCERNING RECORDS. (1) The city clerk shall serve as the municipal records manager in each city, and each department may designate a department records manager who reports to the city clerk. The municipal records manager shall supervise the administration of […]