56-701. POLICY OF STATE. It is the policy of this state to encourage and enable individuals with disabilities to participate fully in the social and economic life of the state and to engage in remunerative employment. History: [56-701, added 1969, ch. 69, sec. 1, p. 212; am. 1984, ch. 147, sec. 4, p. 343; am. […]
56-701A. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter and chapter 58, title 18, Idaho Code: (1) "Assistance device" means a cane or walking stick, predominantly white or metallic in color, with or without red tip, or a manual or motorized wheelchair or similar scooter, or other similar devices that enhance the safety or mobility of a […]
56-702. RIGHT TO FULL AND FREE USE OF STREETS, HIGHWAYS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. Individuals with disabilities have the same rights and privileges as the general public to the full and free use of the streets, highways, sidewalks, walkways, public buildings, public facilities, and other places of public accommodations. History: [56-702, added 1969, ch. […]
56-703. RIGHT TO FULL AND EQUAL ACCOMMODATIONS IN ALL COMMON CARRIERS, HOTELS, LODGING HOUSES, PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACES. Individuals with disabilities are entitled to full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of all common carriers, airplanes, motor vehicles, and railroad trains, motor buses, streetcars, boats, or any other public conveyances […]
56-704. RIGHT TO USE OF SERVICE DOG — LIABILITY. An individual with a disability shall have the right to be accompanied by a service dog in any of the places described in section 56-703, Idaho Code, without being required to pay an extra charge for the service dog; provided that the individual shall be liable […]
56-704A. RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH SERVICE DOGS. (1) General. A place of public accommodation shall modify its policies, practices, or procedures to permit the use of a service dog by an individual with a disability or an authorized handler. (2) Exceptions. A place of public accommodation may ask an individual with a disability to remove […]
56-704B. RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DOGS-IN-TRAINING — LIABILITY. (1) Every individual with a disability who is specifically training or socializing a dog for the purpose of being a service dog shall have the right to be accompanied by the dog in any of the places described in section 56-703, Idaho Code, without being required to […]
56-705. CIVIL LIABILITY FOR INTENTIONAL VIOLATION OF STATUTES PROTECTING DISABLED PERSONS. Civil action may be brought against any person intentionally violating the provisions of section 18-5811, 18-5811A, 18-5812 or 18-5812A, Idaho Code, with judgment awarded upon proof of the elements to a preponderance of the evidence. As a part of any such civil judgment, a […]
56-706. INTERFERENCE WITH RIGHTS OR ACTIVITIES — PENALTY. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, or the agent of any person or persons, firm or corporation, who denies or interferes with admittance to or enjoyment of the public facilities enumerated in this chapter or otherwise interferes with the rights of an individual with a disability […]
56-707. RIGHT TO BE EMPLOYED IN EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY PUBLIC FUNDS — RESTRICTION — USE OF SICK LEAVE. (1) Individuals with disabilities shall be employed in the state service, the service of the political subdivisions of the state, in the public schools, and in all other employment supported in whole […]
56-708. ABLE ACCOUNTS. (1) Findings and intent. The federal achieving a better life experience (ABLE) act, public law 113-295, 26 U.S.C. 529A, provides that a state may establish a program under which certain individuals with disabilities may open accounts in order to save money to pay for qualified disability expenses, such as expenses relating to […]