62-1101. GRANT OF AUTHORITY. Any person, company or corporation incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this state or of any state or territory of the United States, and doing business in this state, for the purpose of owning, controlling or operating any pipeline for the transmission, delivery, furnishing, or distribution […]
62-1102. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO EXERCISE OF RIGHT OF WAY. Before exercising the right of way herein and hereby granted, such person, company or corporation shall first apply to the board of county commissioners of the county within which said pipeline, or any part thereof, is located, or to be located, for permission to construct in […]
62-1103. LIMITATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. Nothing herein shall be construed to grant the right to occupy public roads for any railroad or car line of any kind. Nothing herein shall be construed as denying to any incorporated municipality the power and right to grant rights similar to those expressed in section 62-1101[, Idaho Code,] […]