67-4201. WITHDRAWAL OF LANDS FOR PARK PURPOSES. Wherever any lands are owned by the state of Idaho, bordering on or in the vicinity of any lake, waterfall, spring or other natural curiosity, the park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation may withdraw the premises from sale. If in the opinion of […]
67-4202. HEYBURN PARK. The name of the park created out of Coeur d’Alene Indian reservation by the act of congress of April 30, 1908 (35 Statutes at Large, 78), shall be Heyburn Park, said park being described as follows, to wit: Sections one (1), two (2) and twelve (12), township forty-six (46) north of range […]
67-4203. HEYBURN PARK — SUPERVISION. The park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation shall have the supervision and control of Heyburn Park. Said board shall have power and it shall be its duty to make and enforce rules and regulations necessary for the use and government of said park and to […]
67-4204. HEYBURN PARK — GRANTING OF CONCESSIONS. The park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation is authorized to make concessions to proper and desirable parties for the establishment of not to exceed three (3) places of refreshment and entertainment within the said park; also to make concessions to parties who will […]
67-4206. HEYBURN PARK — IMPROVEMENTS — FINANCES. All improvements within said park and upon any additions thereto shall be made under the direction of the park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation and all costs of such improvements, together with the expense of maintaining and governing said park shall be paid […]
67-4212. STATE PARKS AND RECREATIONAL TRAILWAYS LISTED — CONTROLLED BY PARK AND RECREATION BOARD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. The following described areas in the state of Idaho, so far as these areas are owned or controlled by the state of Idaho, and used for public, outdoor recreational purposes, are hereby declared to […]
67-4213. AREAS CONSTITUTING STATE PARKS — EXCEPTIONS. Any and all other areas of land within the state of Idaho, except roadside picnic areas, which are donated to, and used by, the state of Idaho for public, outdoor recreational purposes, which are acquired, and used, by the state of Idaho for such purposes or which, being […]
67-4218. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CREATED. There is hereby created a department of parks and recreation which shall be, for the purposes of section 20, article IV, of the constitution of the state of Idaho, an executive department of state government. History: [67-4218, added 1965, ch. 85, sec. 1, p. 139; am. 1972, ch. […]
67-4219. INTENT OF LEGISLATURE. It is the intent of the legislature that the department of parks and recreation shall formulate and put into execution a long range, comprehensive plan and program for the acquisition or leasing, planning, protection, operation, maintenance, development and wise use of areas of scenic beauty, recreational utility, historic, archaeological or scientific […]
67-4221. PARK AND RECREATION BOARD — MEMBERS — APPOINTMENT — TERMS — HONORARIUMS AND EXPENSES — MEETINGS AND QUORUMS — REMOVAL OF MEMBERS. (a) There is hereby created a governing authority of the department to consist of a board of six (6) persons to be known as the "park and recreation board." Each member of […]
67-4222. POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD — APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR — EMPLOYEES — MERIT SYSTEM — SALARIES. (a) The park and recreation board shall administer, conduct and supervise the department of parks and recreation and shall have the powers and privileges of a corporation, including the right to sue and be sued in its own […]
67-4223. POWERS OF BOARD. The park and recreation board shall: (1) Adopt, amend or rescind rules as may be necessary for the proper administration of the provisions of section 67-4218, et seq., Idaho Code, and the use and protection of park and recreational areas subject to its jurisdiction. A violation of any rule promulgated by […]
67-4223A. IDAHO STATE PARKS PASSPORT PROGRAM — FEE. Upon payment of the fee as provided in section 49-402(11), Idaho Code, the purchaser shall be authorized to enter all Idaho state parks without paying the motor vehicle entrance fee for either a one (1) or two (2) year period of time, dependent on the fee paid […]
67-4224. DUTY OF BOARD TO ACQUIRE, DEVELOP, AND MAINTAIN LAND — TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION. It shall be the duty of the board to acquire in the name of the state of Idaho by gift, devise, purchase, agreement, or otherwise, such land as in its judgment may be necessary, suitable and proper for roadside picnic, recreational […]
67-4225. PARK AND RECREATION FUND. There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the "park and recreation fund," which shall consist of all moneys received from the granting of concessions, the charging of rentals or other amounts received from whatever source by the state park and recreation department. The […]
67-4226. DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION IN DEPARTMENT OF LAND ABOLISHED — HEYBURN PARK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERRED. The division of parks and recreation in the department of land is hereby abolished and any appropriations made thereto or to the board of land commissioners for administration thereof and the appropriation made to the Heyburn State Park and […]
67-4227. RIGHTS, DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS TRANSFERRED. The rights, duties and obligations of the state board of land commissioners created by chapter 5, title 58, and chapter 42, title 67, Idaho Code, relating to parks, are hereby transferred to the park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation. History: [67-4227, added 1965, ch. […]
67-4228. POWER OF BOARD TO ACCEPT GIFTS. The board, on behalf of the department of parks and recreation of the state of Idaho, is specifically empowered to receive any and all gifts, grants or endowments of real or personal property, or both, from any and all persons, firms, organizations, corporations, agencies of government and otherwise, […]
67-4229. IDAHO VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CREATED — LOCATION. There is hereby created a state park to be known and designated as the Idaho Veterans Memorial Park, located in Ada County and particularly described as follows: All that lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the SE1/4 of Section 32, T. 4 […]
67-4229B. HARRIMAN STATE PARK — FINANCING IMPROVEMENTS. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board is authorized to enter into a lease-purchase obligation or other financing obligation, in a principal amount not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), for the design, construction and equipping of facilities for public recreational use within Harriman state park, […]