72-1201. CREATION OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL — COMPOSITION — APPOINTMENT — EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (1) There is hereby established in the executive office of the governor the workforce development council. Members of the council and an executive director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The governor shall prescribe the structure, […]
72-1202. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND JOB TRAINING PROGRAMS. (1) Subject to the availability of funds from public and private sources, the council shall develop and implement youth employment and job training programs to increase employment opportunities for Idaho’s youth. (2) The council shall establish eligibility criteria for participants. At a minimum, participants shall be lawful residents […]
72-1203. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FUND. (1) There is established in the state treasury a special trust fund, separate and apart from all other public funds of this state, to be known as the workforce development training fund, hereinafter "training fund." Except as provided herein, all proceeds from the training tax defined in subsection (7) of […]