Sec. 1. (a) The officials collecting the following shall remit the money to the treasurer of state: (1) Money collected under the following: (A) IC 13-30-4-1. (B) IC 13-30-4-2. (C) IC 13-30-5-1. (2) Fees collected under IC 13-16-1-2 through IC 13-16-1-5. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), the treasurer of state shall credit the […]
Sec. 2. The money on deposit in the environmental management special fund shall be used exclusively for the purposes of the department and the board. The revenues accruing to the fund are appropriated to the department for purposes of this title. However, expenditures for projects authorized by the department or the board must be approved […]
Sec. 3. The budget agency shall, with the governor’s approval, set aside a certain amount of the fund to be expended for emergency purposes under IC 13-14-10-3 by the commissioner without additional approval from the budget agency or the governor. [Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-7-13-2(b).] As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.4.
Sec. 4. (a) The auditor of state shall issue a report on the fund not later than ten (10) working days following the last day of each four (4) month period. (b) The report must: (1) include the beginning and ending balance, disbursements, and receipts, including accrued interest or other investment earnings of the fund; […]