Sec. 1. (a) Not later than March 1 of each year, a manufacturer shall report to the department the total weight in pounds of covered electronic devices that the manufacturer: (1) collected from eligible entities and recycled; or (2) arranged to have collected from eligible entities and recycled; during the program year that ended on […]
Sec. 2. Not later than each March 1, a recycler of covered electronic devices shall do the following: (1) Report to the department separately the total weight in pounds of covered electronic devices that were: (A) recycled by the recycler; and (B) taken by the recycler for final disposal; during the program year that ended […]
Sec. 3. Not later than each March 1, a collector shall submit to the department a report that contains for the program year that ended on the immediately preceding December 31: (1) the total weight in pounds of covered electronic devices that were collected in Indiana by the collector; and (2) a list of all […]