Sec. 1. This article does not limit the following: (1) The formation and operation under IC 8-1-2-89 of a sewage disposal company to provide sewage disposal service to a territory lying in the territory of a district. (2) The granting of a certificate of territorial authority under IC 8-1-2-89 encompassing a part of the territory […]
Sec. 2. The granting of a certificate of territorial authority to a sewage disposal company under IC 8-1-2-89 for a territory lying in the territory of a district may be conditioned upon the following requirements: (1) That the sewage disposal company connect the company’s collection system to the collection system of a district when the […]
Sec. 3. A sewage disposal company that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indiana utility regulatory commission under IC 8-1-2-89, and all of the territory lying in the area to which the company holds a certificate of territorial authority, is exempt from all ordinances and rules adopted by the board, except those ordinances and […]