Sec. 0.5. (a) “Motorized cart” means a conveyance that is: (1) motor driven, either by gas or electricity; (2) used to carry passengers or equipment; and (3) smaller than the types of motor vehicles required to be registered by the bureau of motor vehicles such as a: (A) passenger motor vehicle (as defined in IC […]
Sec. 1. The department shall do the following: (1) Have the custody of and maintain the parks, preserves, forests, reservoirs, and memorials owned by the state. (2) Adopt the necessary rules under IC 4-22-2 to secure enforcement of this title, which must include provisions for the use of motorized carts during the hours specified in […]
Sec. 1.5. (a) Before March 1, 2016, the department shall develop guidelines concerning recreational trails and amend the guidelines as necessary or advisable thereafter. The guidelines must address at least the following issues: (1) Clear statement of ownership and management of each trail. (2) Right-of-way inconsistencies. (3) The division of responsibility for maintenance of fences, […]
Sec. 2. The department may do the following: (1) Make available to the public under rules adopted by the department public parks and other suitable places for recreation, conservation, and management of natural and cultural resources. The rules may include a procedure for the establishment of a schedule of admission fees and service charges adopted […]
Sec. 3. (a) The department may lease property located in a state park to a lessee for a period longer than four (4) years if the requirements of this section are satisfied. (b) A lease described in subsection (a) does not take effect unless all of the following conditions have been met: (1) The lease […]