Sec. 1. (a) The continuing growth of the population and economy impose ever increasing demands upon the essentially fixed water resources of Indiana. It is necessary that the development, use, and management of these resources be based upon a sound and thorough knowledge and understanding of the location, extent, capabilities, limitations, and characteristics of the […]
Sec. 2. (a) The department shall do the following: (1) Continue the geological, scientific, and topographical survey of Indiana and the work of discovering, developing, and preserving Indiana’s natural resources. (2) Collect and disseminate information concerning the agricultural, mining, and manufacturing advantages of Indiana and give special attention to the following: (A) The discovery of […]
Sec. 3. (a) The department may contract and cooperate with the United States Geological Survey or any other appropriate federal agency in the preparation and completion of a topographical survey map of Indiana. For the purpose of making the survey provided in this section: (1) the department may use any means available to complete the […]