Sec. 1. The commission shall do the following: (1) Adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 that do the following: (A) Effectuate the purposes of this article. (B) Take into account the following: (i) The terrain, climate, biologic, chemical, and other physical conditions in those areas of Indiana where surface coal mining operations may occur. (ii) Land […]
Sec. 2. (a) The commission shall appoint the following: (1) An administrative law judge to conduct proceedings under IC 4-21.5. An administrative law judge is subject to IC 14-10-2-2. (2) A hearing officer to conduct proceedings under IC 4-22-2. (b) An administrative law judge is the ultimate authority for the department for any administrative review […]
Sec. 3. The director shall do the following: (1) Supervise the administration and enforcement of the following: (A) This article. (B) The rules adopted under this article. (2) Conduct the necessary investigations and inspections for the proper administration of this article. (3) Order a person who does not hold a valid permit to conduct operations […]
Sec. 4. (a) The director may do the following: (1) Apply for, accept, and use money from any legal source to aid in carrying out the purposes of this article. (2) Conduct research related to coal mining activities. (3) Collect and distribute information relating to mining activities. (4) Engage in cooperative projects with an agency […]
Sec. 5. The director may delegate any powers and duties assigned to the director in this article to other employees of the department. [Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 13-4.1-2-2(c).] As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.27.
Sec. 6. (a) An employee of the department who has a duty under this article may not have a direct or an indirect financial interest in a surface coal mining operation. (b) In addition to the filings required under IC 35-44.1, each member of the commission shall file annually with the director a statement of […]
Sec. 7. (a) After the commission has adopted rules as required by section 1 of this chapter, any person may petition the commission to initiate a proceeding for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule adopted to enforce this article. (b) The petition must set forth facts that the petitioner claims necessitate the adoption, […]