Sec. 1. All persons, regardless of age, may become purchasers of instalment or fully paid certificates of investment or indebtedness issued by any industrial loan and investment company organized under the laws of this state. When any such certificate of investment or indebtedness is purchased by or in the name of a person under the […]
Sec. 2. When, in case of any loan made by any industrial loan and investment company organized under the laws of this state, the borrower or any other person furnishing security on behalf of the borrower, shall, as an inducement to such industrial loan and investment company to make the loan, represent to it, in […]
Sec. 3. Payment of certificates as provided in section 1 of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions set forth in IC 28-5-1-12. Formerly: Acts 1953, c.46, s.3. As amended by P.L.263-1985, SEC.158.