Sec. 1. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), this chapter applies only to the following municipalities: (1) A town. (2) A city with a population of less than three thousand five hundred (3,500). (b) This chapter does not apply to a municipality located wholly or partially in a county having a consolidated city. As […]
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, “municipal election year” refers to an odd-numbered year determined under IC 3-10-6-5. As added by P.L.107-2020, SEC.1.
Sec. 3. During a year immediately before a municipal election year, the legislative body of a municipality may adopt an ordinance providing that each elected office of the municipality is elected in an even-numbered year. As added by P.L.107-2020, SEC.1.
Sec. 4. An ordinance described in section 3 of this chapter must provide the following: (1) The term of office for each individual elected to an office of the municipality at the next municipal election year. A term of office set under this subdivision must be either: (A) one (1) year; or (B) three (3) […]
Sec. 5. If a municipality adopts an ordinance under section 3 of this chapter, the elected officers of the municipality shall be elected under IC 3-10-6 or IC 3-10-7: (1) whichever is applicable to the municipality; and (2) to the extent either of those statutes is not inconsistent with this chapter. As added by P.L.107-2020, […]
Sec. 6. An ordinance adopted under this chapter: (1) may not be repealed earlier than twelve (12) years after the ordinance was adopted under section 3 of this chapter; and (2) may be repealed only in a year preceding a municipal election year. As added by P.L.107-2020, SEC.1.
Sec. 7. An ordinance adopted under section 3 or 6 of this chapter takes effect when the ordinance is filed with the circuit court clerk of the county in which the largest percentage of the population of the municipality is located. As added by P.L.107-2020, SEC.1.