3-6-4.1-1. Establishment
Sec. 1. The Indiana election commission is established. As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18.
Sec. 1. The Indiana election commission is established. As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18.
Sec. 10. If the chair for any reason fails to call a meeting of the commission, then: (1) the vice chair, with the written approval of the remaining two (2) commission members, may convene a meeting of the commission; and (2) the three (3) members of the commission may meet to execute the powers and […]
Sec. 11. (a) Each member of the commission who is not a state employee is entitled to receive both of the following: (1) The minimum salary per diem provided by IC 4-10-11-2.1(b). (2) Reimbursement for travel expenses and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the member’s duties, as provided in the state travel policies […]
Sec. 12. If the commission fails to meet and discharge the duties imposed upon it by law, the governor may order the commission to meet in the performance of the commission’s duties if the governor: (1) considers a meeting to be necessary; or (2) receives a petition signed by at least one (1) voter from […]
Sec. 13. The election division shall keep minutes of all meetings of the commission, including a written record of the yes and no vote of each member on all questions coming before the commission. As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.3-1997, SEC.23.
Sec. 14. (a) In addition to other duties prescribed by law, the commission shall do the following: (1) Administer Indiana election laws. (2) Adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to do the following: (A) Govern the fair, legal, and orderly conduct of elections, including the following: (i) Emergency rules described in section 16 of this chapter […]
As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18. Repealed by P.L.3-1997, SEC.474.
Sec. 16. The commission, by unanimous vote of the entire membership of the commission, may adopt emergency rules under IC 4-22-2-37.1 to implement a court order requiring the commission, the election division, or an election board or official to administer an election in a manner not authorized by this title. As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18. […]
Sec. 17. (a) If the commission by unanimous vote of the entire membership of the commission finds that a natural disaster or other emergency makes it impossible or unreasonable for a person to perform a duty or file a document by the time specified in this title, the commission may issue an order extending the […]
As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.2-1996, SEC.3. Repealed by P.L.3-1997, SEC.474.
Sec. 19. (a) The commission has the power of subpoena and may require a person to appear before the commission, a member of the commission, or the co-directors to be examined with regard to any matter with which the commission or the co-directors are charged with a duty under this title. (b) The commission or […]
Sec. 2. (a) The commission consists of four (4) individuals appointed by the governor. (b) Each member of the commission must be a registered voter. (c) Each member of the commission must be a member of a major political party of the state. Not more than two (2) members of the commission may be a […]
Sec. 20. A member of the commission, the co-directors, or an employee of the election division may administer an oath required or permitted by this title. As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.3-1997, SEC.26.
Sec. 21. (a) This section does not apply to a violation of NVRA or IC 3-7. (b) If the commission determines that there is substantial reason to believe an election law violation has occurred, it shall expeditiously make an investigation. (c) If in the judgment of the commission, after affording due notice and an opportunity […]
Sec. 22. (a) Upon referral under section 21 of this chapter, the attorney general shall institute on behalf of the state, a civil action for relief including any of the following: (1) A permanent or temporary injunction. (2) A restraining order. (3) Another appropriate order. (b) An action under this section may be instituted in […]
Sec. 23. (a) The state police department and all state police officers shall assist the commission, on request, in the enforcement of the election laws and the discharge of the commission’s duties, including the use of state police radio and telephone service on election days. (b) The state police department or a state police officer […]
Sec. 24. (a) The campaign finance enforcement account is established within the state general fund to provide money for the following purposes: (1) Administering and enforcing IC 3-9. (2) Creating and operating a campaign finance computer system as authorized under IC 3-9-4-4, including investing in technology to expand the capabilities of the computer system. (b) […]
Sec. 25. The commission may do any of the following to administer Indiana election law: (1) Hold hearings under IC 4-21.5. (2) Issue advisory opinions. As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.28.
Sec. 3. (a) The term of an individual serving as a member of the commission begins on the later of the following: (1) The day the term of the member whom the individual is appointed to succeed expires. (2) The day the individual is appointed. (b) The term of a member expires July 1 of […]
Sec. 4. (a) Before May 1 of a year that the term of a member of the commission expires, the state chairman of the major political party of the state represented by that member may nominate, in writing, two (2) individuals of the state chairman’s own political party to succeed the member whose term will […]