Sec. 1. Guardians of the estates of persons under the age of eighteen (18) years and incapacitated persons (as defined in IC 29-3-1-7.5) owning real estate in any county in Indiana in which coal and other solid minerals are being explored for, developed, recovered, marketed, or found by mining or other methods are authorized with […]
Sec. 2. Guardians of the estates of persons under the age of eighteen (18) years and incapacitated persons are authorized to petition the court having probate jurisdiction in the county in which the guardianship is pending for authority to execute the options under section 1 of this chapter. The petition shall be verified and set […]
Sec. 3. Upon the filing of such petition, the court shall proceed to hear and determine the same either in term time or vacation. If the court, after being duly advised in the premises, finds that the execution of said option to purchase would be to the best interests of the ward’s estate and that […]
Sec. 4. Said option and the deed or lease, as the case may be, in the event the option is exercised, shall be binding and conclusive upon the ward for the respective term thereof and the right of disaffirmance is hereby denied. Formerly: Acts 1943, c.105, s.4.