32-25.5-2-1. Applicability
Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this article. As added by P.L.167-2009, SEC.2.
Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this article. As added by P.L.167-2009, SEC.2.
Sec. 2. “Board” refers to the board of directors of a homeowners association. As added by P.L.167-2009, SEC.2.
Sec. 3. “Governing documents” includes the following: (1) The articles of incorporation and bylaws of a homeowners association and all adopted amendments to the articles of incorporation and bylaws. (2) Any applicable covenants filed with the office of the county recorder of the applicable county recorder, whether contained in a declaration of covenants, contained in […]
Sec. 4. “Homeowners association” means a corporation or another entity that: (1) is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of two (2) or more persons who each own a dwelling in fee simple; (2) acts, in accordance with the articles, bylaws, or other documents governing the corporation or entity, to: (A) acquire, transfer, manage, […]
Sec. 5. “Subdivision” means the division of a parcel of land into lots, parcels, tracts, units, or interests in the manner defined and prescribed by a subdivision control ordinance adopted by a legislative body under IC 36-7-4. As added by P.L.167-2009, SEC.2.