Sec. 1. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter: (1) “Action” means any civil lawsuit or action in contract or tort for damages or indemnity brought against a construction professional to assert a claim, whether by complaint, counterclaim, or cross claim, for damage or the loss of use of real or personal property caused by […]
Sec. 10. If a construction professional unreasonably: (1) disputes a home owner’s claim; (2) fails to remedy or compromise and settle the claim; (3) fails to repair the construction defect within a reasonable time, subject to the nature of the repair or some unforeseen event not caused by the construction professional; or (4) fails to […]
Sec. 11. (a) In every action brought against a construction professional, the claimant must file with the court and serve on the defendant a list of known construction defects in accordance with this section. (b) The list of known construction defects must contain a description of the construction that the claimant alleges to be defective. […]
Sec. 12. (a) Upon entering into a contract for sale, construction, or substantial remodeling of a residence, a construction professional must provide notice to each home owner of the construction professional’s right to offer to cure construction defects before a home owner may commence litigation against the construction professional. The notice must be conspicuous and […]
Sec. 13. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to hinder or otherwise affect the employment, agency, or contractual relationship between and among home owners and construction professionals during the process of construction or remodeling and does not preclude the termination of those relationships as allowed under current law. Nothing in this chapter shall negate […]
Sec. 14. If a written notice of claim is served under section 2 of this chapter within the time prescribed for the filing of an action against a construction professional based on an alleged construction defect, the applicable statute of limitations for construction related claims is tolled with respect to the alleged construction defect described […]
Sec. 2. (a) At least sixty (60) days before filing a construction defect action against a construction professional, the claimant must serve written notice of claim on the construction professional. The notice of claim must state that the claimant asserts a construction defect claim against the construction professional and must describe the claim in reasonable […]
Sec. 3. (a) If the construction professional disputes the claim or does not respond to the claimant’s notice of claim within the time set forth in section 2(b) of this chapter, the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the claim described in the notice of claim without further notice. (b) If […]
Sec. 4. (a) If the construction professional makes a proposal to inspect the residence under section 2(b)(1) of this chapter and the claimant elects to allow the construction professional to inspect in accordance with the construction professional’s proposal, the claimant must provide the construction professional and the construction professional’s contractors or other agents reasonable access […]
Sec. 5. (a) To accept the offer of a construction professional to remedy the construction defect under section (4)(b)(1) of this chapter, the claimant must serve on the construction professional a written notice of acceptance within a reasonable time period after receipt of the offer, and not later than sixty (60) days after receipt of […]
Sec. 6. Any action commenced by a claimant before compliance with the requirements of this chapter is subject to dismissal without prejudice, and may not be recommenced until the claimant complies with the requirements of this section. As added by P.L.134-2003, SEC.1.
Sec. 7. Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent a claimant from commencing an action on the construction defect claim described in the notice of claim if the construction professional fails to perform the construction agreed upon, fails to remedy the defect, or fails to perform according to the timetable agreed upon under […]
Sec. 8. (a) Before commencing any action alleging a construction defect, or after the dismissal of any action without prejudice under section 6 of this chapter, the claimant may amend the notice of claim to include construction defects discovered after the service of the original notice of claim. (b) The service of an amended notice […]
Sec. 9. (a) If a claimant: (1) unreasonably rejects a reasonable written offer of settlement made under this chapter; or (2) does not permit the construction professional a reasonable opportunity to inspect or to repair the defect under a reasonable offer of settlement; and thereafter commences an action governed by this chapter, the court may […]