Sec. 1. Anything in existing law pertaining to the mode and form of records and accounting system in the offices of the county treasurer and county auditor to the contrary notwithstanding, hereafter the several boards of county commissioners may provide for the installation of modern tax accounting systems in the offices of the treasurer and […]
Sec. 2. A board of county commissioners may not change its tax accounting system, system of accounting and reporting, or use of forms, ledgers, or other records under this chapter without the approval of the state board of accounts. Formerly: Acts 1937, c.203, s.2. As amended by P.L.3-1986, SEC.23.
Sec. 3. The state board of accounts shall approve and certify only such systems and methods of accounts and records which are uniform as to the several counties having substantially similar accounting problems in reference to such offices and which will permit of the use of modern office equipment, provide for a progressive audit, insure […]
Sec. 4. If a county implements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, an automated accounting system that: (1) is in place during at least one (1) state board of accounts audit; and (2) is approved by the state board of accounts as a result of that audit; the county treasurer is not required to […]