Sec. 1. (a) All public funds paid into the treasury of the state or the treasuries of the respective political subdivisions shall be deposited not later than the business day following the receipt of funds on business days of the depository in one (1) or more depositories in the name of the state or political […]
Sec. 2. In all cases where law provides that any state officer collects any fee for any service rendered or examination made, and the fee collected is appropriated to pay the salary, per diem, or the expenses of any state officer for rendering the service or making the examination, the state officer shall deposit the […]
Sec. 3. (a) All taxes collected by the county treasurer shall be deposited as one (1) fund in the several depositories selected for the deposit of county funds and, except as provided in subsection (b), remain in the depositories until distributed at the following semiannual distribution made by the county auditor. (b) Every county treasurer […]
Sec. 4. (a) Notwithstanding section 1 of this chapter, the clerk of a circuit court, in accounting for and disbursing support payments made through the clerk in accordance with IC 31-16-9 (or IC 31-1-11.5-13, IC 31-6-6.1-16, or IC 31-14-11-11, before their repeal) may elect not to follow the accounting and depository procedures required by this […]