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Home » US Law » 2022 Indiana Code » Title 5. State and Local Administration » Article 2. Law Enforcement » Chapter 1. Mandatory Training for Law Enforcement Officers

5-2-1-1. Establishment; Purposes

Sec. 1. (a) In order to ensure the public safety and general welfare of the people of the state of Indiana and to promote equity for all segments of society, a program of mandatory training for law enforcement officers is established. (b) This chapter shall be interpreted to achieve said purposes through the establishment of […]

5-2-1-10. Authority to Enter Into Agreements

Sec. 10. The board shall have the authority to enter into agreements with other agencies, colleges, and universities to carry out the intent of this chapter. Formerly: Acts 1967, c.209, s.10. As amended by P.L.25-1986, SEC.5.

5-2-1-10.5. Southwest Indiana Law Enforcement Training Academy

Sec. 10.5. (a) The board may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to establish a southwest Indiana law enforcement training academy. (b) If the board adopts rules under subsection (a) to establish a southwest Indiana law enforcement training academy, the board shall in accordance with IC 4-22-2 adopt rules establishing minimum standards for the southwest Indiana […]

5-2-1-11. Powers; Establishing Training Programs

Sec. 11. (a) The board is further authorized and empowered, in accordance with the rule making power granted in section 9 of this chapter, to adopt all necessary rules to: (1) establish inservice and advanced training programs, and minimum courses of study and attendance requirements for such programs, to ensure that all appointed and elected […]

5-2-1-12. Further Powers

Sec. 12. The board or any of its designated representatives are further authorized and empowered to: (1) visit and inspect any law enforcement training school of the state or any of its political subdivisions for the purpose of determining whether or not the minimum standards established pursuant to this chapter are being complied with and […]

5-2-1-12.5. Revocation of Diploma, Certificate, or Badge; Immunity for Report of Cause for Revocation; Investigation of Cause for Revocation; Hearing on Cause for Revocation; Application for Reinstatement

Sec. 12.5. (a) The board may revoke, suspend, modify, or restrict a diploma, certificate, or document showing compliance and qualification issued by the board, or any authority to act as a law enforcement officer in the state, for any of the following reasons: (1) The officer has been convicted of: (A) a felony; or (B) […]

5-2-1-13. Law Enforcement Academy Fund; Creation; Deposits; Disposition

Sec. 13. (a) There is created a fund known as the law enforcement academy fund. The fund consists of amounts deposited under IC 33-37-7-9. This fund may be used by the board for the following: (1) To acquire for the state land and interests in and to land, and to construct upon such land a […]

5-2-1-14. Executive Director

Sec. 14. There is hereby created the position of executive director of the law enforcement training board. The executive director shall be selected by the board and the executive director’s tenure of office shall be protected by a four (4) year, renewable contract of employment which may be terminated earlier by the board only for […]

5-2-1-15. Facilities of Law Enforcement Academy; Availability; Cost Schedule

Sec. 15. (a) The facilities of the law enforcement academy shall be available to any law enforcement agency of the state, or any of its political subdivisions, subject to the rules of the board. (b) Any law enforcement agency of the state, any of its political subdivisions, or any board certified training center may conduct […]

5-2-1-15.1. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Investigator Training

Sec. 15.1. (a) The facilities of the law enforcement academy may be used for the training of investigators of the Medicaid fraud control unit. The training shall be conducted upon the terms and conditions established by the board. (b) An investigator of the Medicaid fraud control unit employed as an investigator after June 30, 1994, […]

5-2-1-15.2. Board Certified Training Center

Sec. 15.2. A board certified training center may provide basic training to a law enforcement officer who is: (1) employed by a law enforcement agency that is a member agency of the law enforcement training center; and (2) not accepted by the law enforcement academy for the next basic training course because the academy does […]

5-2-1-16. Powers and Duties of Board as Criminal Justice Agency

Sec. 16. As a designated criminal justice agency, the board: (1) has all the duties and privileges of a police agency; (2) may appoint, through its executive director, police officers for the Indiana law enforcement academy; (3) shall establish all rules, policies, and procedures concerning the internal organization, duties, and responsibilities of the police agency, […]

5-2-1-17. Police Officers; Enforcement Powers; Duties; Oath; Training

Sec. 17. (a) Police officers appointed under this chapter have all necessary law enforcement powers, including: (1) the power to arrest, without process, all persons who within the police officer’s view commit any felony or misdemeanor; (2) all common law and statutory powers, privileges, and immunities of sheriffs, except those specifically forbidden by the board; […]

5-2-1-2. Definitions

Sec. 2. For the purposes of this chapter, and unless the context clearly denotes otherwise, the following definitions apply throughout this chapter: (1) “Law enforcement officer” means an appointed officer or employee hired by and on the payroll of the state, any of the state’s political subdivisions, a hospital police department (as described in IC […]

5-2-1-20. Indiana Technical Assistance Center for Crisis Intervention Teams

Sec. 20. In conjunction with the Indiana commission to combat substance use disorder established by IC 4-3-25-3 and the division of mental health and addiction, the board may establish the Indiana technical assistance center for crisis intervention teams under IC 5-2-21.2. As added by P.L.102-2017, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.114-2022, SEC.8.

5-2-1-3. Law Enforcement Training Board Created; Membership

Sec. 3. There is created, as a criminal justice agency of the state, a law enforcement training board to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The board members are to be selected as provided by this chapter. The board is composed of the following members: (1) The superintendent of the Indiana state police department, […]

5-2-1-4. Appointments; Terms; Vacancies; Removal

Sec. 4. All members of the board shall be appointed to the board by the governor. Not more than twelve (12) members may be members of the same political party. All appointments shall be for terms of four (4) years or while maintaining the position held at the time of appointment to the board, whichever […]

5-2-1-5. Membership on Board Not to Constitute Public Office

Sec. 5. Membership on the law enforcement training board shall not constitute holding a public office and members of the board shall not be required to take and file oaths of office before serving in such capacities. The board shall exercise only the powers granted by this chapter. No member of the board shall be […]