Sec. 0.3. As used in this chapter, “comprehensive community plan” means the systematic, community driven gathering, analysis, and reporting of community level indicators for the purpose of identifying and addressing local substance use and substance use disorder problems. As added by P.L.40-2020, SEC.2.
Sec. 0.5. As used in this chapter, “criminal justice services and activities” means programs that assist: (1) law enforcement agencies; (2) courts; (3) correctional facilities; (4) programs that offer probation services; (5) community corrections programs; and (6) public safety programs; with individuals who have a history of substance use and who are suspected of having […]
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, “fund” refers to a county drug free community fund established by this chapter. As added by P.L.12-1990, SEC.3.
Sec. 1.3. As used in this chapter, “intervention” means: (1) activities performed to: (A) identify persons in need of substance use treatment services; and (B) encourage the desire to address and improve recovery needs by persons described in clause (A); and (2) referring persons to or enrolling persons in evidence informed treatment programs. As added […]
Sec. 1.6. As used in this chapter, “local coordinating council” means a countywide, collaborative citizen body that is open to the public and approved by the Indiana commission to combat substance use disorder established by IC 4-3-25-3 to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate local comprehensive community plans. As added by P.L.44-2006, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.7-2016, […]
Sec. 1.8. As used in this chapter, “prevention” means the anticipatory process that prepares and supports individuals, families, and communities with the creation and reinforcement of healthy behaviors and lifestyles. As added by P.L.44-2006, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.40-2020, SEC.6.
Sec. 1.9. As used in this chapter, “prevention initiative” means an evidence guided program or activity that is designed to decrease and mitigate substance use. As added by P.L.44-2006, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.40-2020, SEC.7.
Sec. 2. A county drug free community fund is established in each county to support comprehensive local substance use recovery and prevention initiatives by supplementing local funding for treatment, intervention, prevention, education, and criminal justice services and activities. The fund consists of amounts deposited under IC 33-37-7-2(c) and IC 33-37-7-8(e). As added by P.L.12-1990, SEC.3. […]
Sec. 2.2. As used in this chapter, “recovery” means a dynamic, nonlinear process of change through which persons improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential. As added by P.L.40-2020, SEC.9.
Sec. 2.4. As used in this chapter, “treatment” means evidence guided activities and services that foster change, enhance the ability to achieve and maintain recovery, and improve mental health. As added by P.L.40-2020, SEC.10.
Sec. 3. The county auditor shall administer the fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made in accordance with appropriations made under section 5 of this chapter. As added by P.L.12-1990, SEC.3.
Sec. 4. Money in the fund at the end of a fiscal year does not revert to any other fund. As added by P.L.12-1990, SEC.3.
Sec. 5. (a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c), a county fiscal body shall annually appropriate from the fund amounts allocated by the county legislative body for the use of persons, organizations, agencies, and political subdivisions to carry out recommended actions contained in a comprehensive drug free community plan submitted by the local coordinating council […]
Sec. 6. The fund may not be used to replace other funding for substance use services provided to the county. As added by P.L.12-1990, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.40-2020, SEC.12.