Sec. 1. There is hereby created as a public body corporate and politic a Law Enforcement Academy Building Commission. Said commission shall have power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, adopt and have a corporate seal, make rules and by-laws for the management and regulation of its affairs, and to do all […]
Sec. 10. The title to all real estate donated, given, devised or bequeathed to all real estate purchased or otherwise acquired by the commission shall be good and sufficient, shall be approved by the attorney general, and shall be taken in the name of the State of Indiana. Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1.
Sec. 11. A member of the commission, the architect, or any other person employed by the commission who knowingly is interested in, or knowingly derives any profit from, any contract, employment, or purchase connected with the building or buildings, or with any action of the commission, commits a Level 6 felony. A member of the […]
Sec. 12. The commission shall not enter into any contract for the purchase or sale of any material or supplies or for the performance of any work or labor other than the salaries of employees, when such material, supplies, work or labor costs are more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), without first giving notice of […]
Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.25-1986, SEC.10. Repealed by P.L.4-1988, SEC.5.
Sec. 14. (a) For the purpose of providing funds to carry out the provisions of this chapter with respect to the construction and equipment of a building or buildings for use as a law enforcement academy and acquiring or providing a site therefor, the commission is authorized pursuant to resolution or resolutions to issue and […]
Sec. 15. When any such debentures shall have been issued, the commission shall proceed with the construction and equipment of the building or buildings as promptly as may be, and from and after the date of completion of such building or buildings it shall be available for use and occupancy by the Law Enforcement Training […]
Sec. 16. The compensation of all employees and agents of the commission shall be affixed by the Law Enforcement Academy Building Commission and approved by the Governor. Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1.
Sec. 2. The commission shall consist of six (6) members appointed by the governor. Such appointments shall be made by May 7, 1971, and shall be made on a bipartisan basis so that not more than one-half (1/2) of the members of the commission shall at any time be members of either of the two […]
Sec. 3. The commission shall meet immediately after its appointment in accordance with section 2 of this chapter. It shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, and secretary-treasurer and is authorized to employ an executive director who shall be the executive head and shall be responsible to the commission in carrying out the instructions of the […]
Sec. 4. Members of the commission shall be allowed and paid per diem and travel expenses incurred in connection with the affairs of the commission but shall receive no further or additional compensation. Membership on the commission shall not constitute holding of a public office. Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1; Acts 1973, P.L.31, SEC.1.
Sec. 5. The commission is hereby authorized to acquire or select a site located in the State of Indiana and construct and erect thereon a building or buildings to be used by the Law Enforcement Training Board created by IC 5-2-1 for a Law Enforcement Academy. The site so selected may be on land already […]
Sec. 6. The law enforcement academy building commission is hereby endowed with the right and power of eminent domain insofar as such right or power may be necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of section 5 of this chapter. If the commission shall be unable to agree with the owner of the land […]
Sec. 7. The commission shall procure and adopt a design for the erection and construction of such building or buildings. For the purpose of securing designs, the commission shall employ an architect of known skill and ability in his profession as its architect. Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1.
Sec. 8. Upon completion by the architect, or architects, and the approval by the commission of these plans and specifications, the commission shall at one time or from time to time advertise for and receive competitive bids for the construction and equipment of the building or buildings. Upon receipt of such bids, the commission shall […]
Sec. 9. The commission is hereby authorized to receive donations, gifts, devises and bequests and to use the same for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.43, SEC.1.