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Home » US Law » 2022 Indiana Code » Title 6. Taxation » Article 1.1. Property Taxes » Chapter 22. General Procedures for Property Tax Collection

6-1.1-22-1. “Personal Property” Defined

Sec. 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, it is sufficient for purposes of assessment and taxation to describe personal property on all records and notices by using the words “personal property” to include all types of personal property assessed to a person under this article. [Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-51-5.] Formerly: Acts 1975, […]

6-1.1-22-10. Liability for Taxes; Actions to Collect

Sec. 10. (a) A person who is liable for property taxes under IC 6-1.1-2-4 is personally liable for the taxes and all penalties, cost, and collection expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, resulting from late payment of the taxes. (b) A person’s liability under this section may be enforced by any legal remedy, […]

6-1.1-22-11. Lienholders; Payment of Delinquent Taxes; Penalties and Costs

Sec. 11. A holder of a lien of record on any real property on which taxes are delinquent may pay the delinquent taxes, penalties, and cost. The amount so paid is an additional lien on the real property in favor of the lienholder and is collectible, with interest at ten percent (10%) per annum from […]

6-1.1-22-12. Receipt for Payment of Tax or Special Assessment

Sec. 12. (a) When a property owner pays the taxes or special assessments levied against any property, and a receipt is provided by the county treasurer, the receipt shall be on a form prescribed or approved by the state board of accounts. The receipt shall contain: (1) the name of the person liable for the […]

6-1.1-22-12.1. Liability for Costs of Dishonored Payment Drafts

Sec. 12.1. If: (1) a property owner or a person acting on behalf of a property owner tenders a draft to the county treasurer for the payment of the taxes or special assessments levied against any property; and (2) the draft is dishonored upon presentation for payment; any costs incurred by the county treasurer because […]

6-1.1-22-13. State Liens; Civil Suits

Sec. 13. (a) The state acquires a lien on each tract of real property for all property taxes levied against the tract, including the land under an improvement or appurtenance described in IC 6-1.1-2-4(c), and all subsequent penalties and cost resulting from the taxes. This lien attaches on the assessment date of the year for […]

6-1.1-22-13.5. Political Subdivision Liens; Civil Suits

Sec. 13.5. (a) A political subdivision acquires a lien on each tract of real property for: (1) all special assessments levied against the tract, including the land under an improvement or appurtenance described in IC 6-1.1-2-4(c); and (2) all subsequent penalties and costs resulting from the special assessments. The lien attaches on the installment due […]

6-1.1-22-15. Certification of Delinquent Taxpayer; Setoff Against Money Due

Sec. 15. If the county treasurer finds that a person whose name is certified to him under section 14 of this chapter is delinquent in the payment of his taxes, he shall certify the name of that person and the amount of the delinquency to the official of the political subdivision or other governmental entity […]

6-1.1-22-16. Deduction From State Payments to Delinquent Taxpayers

Sec. 16. (a) On or before June 1 and December 1 of each year, each county treasurer shall provide the auditor of state, the Indiana department of transportation, and the board of trustees of each state institution or school with a list of each person who is delinquent in the payment of property taxes and […]

6-1.1-22-17. Application of Funds Toward Payment of Delinquent Taxes

Sec. 17. A county treasurer who receives funds that have been deducted under section 15 or section 16 of this chapter from money due a person shall apply the funds to the delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest owed by that person until those items are paid in full. [Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citations: 6-1-54-2 part; […]

6-1.1-22-18. Use of Parcel Carrier to Send Documents

Sec. 18. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the county treasurer may send via a nationally recognized express parcel carrier any document that the county treasurer may send under this chapter via the United States mail. As added by P.L.61-2011, SEC.1.

6-1.1-22-2. Description of Real Property; Sufficiency

Sec. 2. (a) Real property is sufficiently described for the purpose of listing, assessing, and collecting the taxes on it when it is described by: (1) reference to the name of the subdivision and lot number, if the tract of land has been platted into lots or subdivided and a plat of the tract has […]

6-1.1-22-3. Tax Duplicate; Contents; Maintenance; Delivery

Sec. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the auditor of each county shall, before March 15 of each year, prepare a roll of property taxes payable in that year for the county. This roll shall be known as the “tax duplicate” and shall show: (1) the value of all the assessed property of […]

6-1.1-22-4. Notice of Tax Rate

Sec. 4. (a) Immediately upon the receipt of the tax duplicate, the county auditor shall give notice of the rate of tax per one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation to be collected in the county for each purpose and the total of the rates in each taxing district. This notice shall be published in […]

6-1.1-22-5. Preparation and Delivery to Auditor of State of Abstract by County Auditor; Information to Be Included in Abstract; Form of Abstract; Abstract as Public Record; Effect of Shortfall Appeal on Preparation and Delivery

Sec. 5. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), on or before March 15 of each year, the county auditor shall prepare and deliver to the auditor of state and the county treasurer a certified copy of an abstract of the property, assessments, taxes, deductions, and exemptions for taxes payable in that year […]

6-1.1-22-6. Register of Taxes and Special Assessments

Sec. 6. The county treasurer shall keep a register of taxes and special assessments in the manner and on the form prescribed by the state board of accounts. He shall enter each payment of the taxes and special assessments in the register on the day the payment is received. [Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-51-9.] […]

6-1.1-22-6.5. Refusal of Third Party to Pay Upon Proper Presentment

Sec. 6.5. Notwithstanding IC 26-1-3.1-310, if a payment subject to this article is made by: (1) check; (2) bank draft; (3) money order; (4) bank card or credit card; or (5) any other draft or financial instrument that is payable by a third party; and the third party refuses to pay the amount of the […]

6-1.1-22-7. Daily Cash Book

Sec. 7. The county treasurer shall keep a daily cash book on the form prescribed by the state board of accounts. He shall enter all funds received by him in the cash book on the day the funds are received. The county treasurer shall also record in the cash book all the deposits, withdrawals, and […]

6-1.1-22-8. Repealed

[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-52-2.] Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by Acts 1976, P.L.14, SEC.1; P.L.57-1986, SEC.2; P.L.60-1991, SEC.1; P.L.6-1997, SEC.89; P.L.64-2004, SEC.13; P.L.162-2006, SEC.15; P.L.169-2006, SEC.10; P.L.1-2007, SEC.46. Repealed by P.L.3-2008, SEC.269.