6-1.1-6.2-1. Windbreak Defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, “windbreak” refers to a field windbreak. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, “windbreak” refers to a field windbreak. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 10. If any oil, gas, stone, coal, or other mineral is obtained from land that is classified as a windbreak, the parcel shall immediately be assessed for the oil, gas, stone, coal, or other mineral wealth. The assessed value of the mineral wealth shall then be placed on the tax duplicate. As added by […]
Sec. 11. A person who owns or controls land that is classified as a windbreak must follow the minimum standards of windbreak management as prescribed by the department of natural resources. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 12. The department of natural resources may issue special permits under this chapter. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 13. The owner of a parcel of land that is classified as a windbreak shall mark the parcel with four (4) signs. The owner shall place the signs on the boundaries of and on different sides of the parcel at the points that are the most conspicuous to the public. The department of natural […]
Sec. 14. At least once every two (2) years a representative of the department of natural resources shall inspect each parcel of land that is classified as a windbreak. On each inspection trip, the representative shall, if possible, inspect the parcel with the owner and shall point out to the owner any needed improvement. In […]
Sec. 15. (a) If the owner of land that is classified as a windbreak wishes to have the land withdrawn from the classification, the owner shall have the county assessor of the county in which the land is situated assess the land. The county assessor shall make the assessment in the manner prescribed in section […]
Sec. 16. The department of natural resources shall withdraw land that is classified as a windbreak from the classification if it finds that this chapter is not being complied with and that the owner of the land refuses to make the changes necessary for compliance. If the department of natural resources withdraws land under this […]
Sec. 17. If an assessment made by a county assessor under section 15 or 16 of this chapter is not satisfactory to the owner, the owner may appeal the assessment in the manner prescribed in section 5 of this chapter. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 18. If land classified as a windbreak is withdrawn from the classification, the department of natural resources shall immediately notify the recorder and the auditor of the county in which the land is situated that the land has been withdrawn. In addition, when land is withdrawn, the owner of the land shall make a […]
Sec. 19. (a) If land that is classified as a windbreak is withdrawn from the classification, the owner shall pay an amount equal to the lesser of: (1) the sum of: (A) the total property taxes that, if it were not for the classification, would have been assessed on the land during the period of […]
Sec. 2. This chapter applies to a parcel of land classified as a windbreak and assessed as provided in this chapter before July 1, 2003. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.186-2003, SEC.24.
Sec. 20. A conveyance of land that is classified as a windbreak does not release any person acquiring an interest in the land from any obligation or liability imposed under this chapter. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 21. The expense of the survey required by section 4 of this chapter shall be paid by the applicant. The expense of an assessment that is required under this chapter shall be paid from the county general fund of the county in which the parcel is located. The county assessor is entitled to necessary […]
Sec. 22. The owner of a parcel of land that is classified as a windbreak shall file a report once each year with the department of natural resources on forms furnished by the department of natural resources. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 23. A person may not erect a dwelling or other building on land classified as a windbreak. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 24. A person may not graze or permit grazing by a domestic animal on land classified as a windbreak. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 25. A person may not burn, mow, or otherwise engage in a practice that would alter land or vegetation on land classified as a windbreak, unless the person has been granted a temporary permit to do so by the department of natural resources. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 26. A person may not cultivate or harvest crops on land classified as a windbreak, except crops cultivated or harvested solely for wildlife food or cover pursuant to a permit issued by the department of natural resources. As added by P.L.58-1985, SEC.1.
Sec. 27. The department of natural resources shall furnish trees or other appropriate vegetation without charge to the owner of land classified as windbreak and, with the advice and cooperation of the county extension service, shall give advice and technical assistance to the landowner for the establishment and maintenance of the windbreak. As added by […]