6-1.1-6.7-1. “Filter Strip” Defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, “filter strip” refers to a strip or an area of vegetation for removing sediment, organic matter and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, “filter strip” refers to a strip or an area of vegetation for removing sediment, organic matter and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 10. If any oil, gas, stone, coal, or other mineral is obtained from land that is classified as a filter strip, the parcel shall immediately be assessed for the oil, gas, stone, coal, or other mineral wealth. The assessed value of the mineral wealth shall then be placed on the tax duplicate. As added […]
Sec. 11. A person who owns or controls land that is classified as a filter strip must follow the minimum standards of filter strip management prescribed by the county surveyor with the concurrence of the soil and water conservation district in which the land is located. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 12. The owner of a parcel of land that is classified as a filter strip is encouraged to mark the parcel with a minimum of four (4) signs. The owner shall place the signs on the boundaries of the parcel at the points that are the most conspicuous to the public. As added by […]
Sec. 13. At least once every two (2) years the county surveyor or a representative of the soil and water conservation district in which the land is located shall inspect each parcel of land that is classified as a filter strip. On each inspection trip, if possible, the inspector shall inspect the parcel with the […]
Sec. 14. If the owner of land that is classified as a filter strip wishes to have the land withdrawn from the classification, the owner shall have the county assessor of the county in which the land is situated assess the land. The county assessor shall make the assessment in the manner prescribed in section […]
Sec. 15. The county surveyor shall withdraw land that is classified as a filter strip from the classification if the surveyor finds that this chapter is not being complied with and that the owner of the land refuses to make the changes necessary for compliance. If the county surveyor withdraws land under this section, the […]
Sec. 16. If an assessment made by a county assessor under section 14 or 15 of this chapter is not satisfactory to the owner, the owner may appeal the assessment in the manner prescribed in section 5 of this chapter. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 17. If land classified as a filter strip is withdrawn from the classification, the county surveyor shall immediately notify the recorder and the auditor of the county in which the land is situated that the land has been withdrawn. In addition, when land is withdrawn, the owner of the land shall make a notation […]
Sec. 18. (a) For purposes of this section, “initial classification assessment” means the assessment required under section 5 of this chapter, and “withdrawal assessment” means the assessment required under section 14 or 15 of this chapter. (b) If land that is classified as a filter strip is withdrawn from the classification, the owner shall pay […]
Sec. 19. A conveyance of land that is classified as a filter strip does not release any person acquiring an interest in the land from any obligation or liability imposed under this chapter. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 2. For the purpose of property taxation, certain parcels of land may be classified as filter strips and assessed as provided in this chapter. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 20. (a) The applicant shall pay the expense of the description required by section 4 of this chapter. (b) The expense of an assessment that is required under this chapter shall be paid from the county general fund of the county in which the parcel is located. The county assessor is entitled to necessary […]
Sec. 21. The owner of a parcel of land that is classified as a filter strip shall file a report once each year with the county surveyor on forms prescribed by the county surveyor. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 22. (a) A person may not do any of the following on land classified as a filter strip: (1) Except as provided in subsection (b), cultivate or harvest crops. (2) Erect a dwelling or other building. (3) Graze a domestic animal or permit grazing by a domestic animal. (4) Burn. (5) Mow before July […]
Sec. 23. (a) A reconstruction of an existing drain requires reestablishment of the filter strip in the same dimensions as existed prior to reconstructing the drain. (b) Filter strips impacted by construction or reconstruction of regulated drains are not subject to withdrawal assessment under section 14 or 15 of this chapter if the landowner reestablishes […]
Sec. 24. The county drainage board may allow the use of construction, reconstruction, or maintenance funds to provide for the establishment and vegetation of filter strips along regulated drains. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 25. The county surveyor, in cooperation with the county extension service and the soil and water conservation district in which the land is located, shall give advice and technical assistance to the landowner for the establishment and maintenance of filter strips. As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1.
Sec. 3. (a) A parcel of land may be classified as a filter strip if the parcel of land meets all of the following requirements: (1) The parcel of land is adjacent to an: (A) open water course such as a ditch, creek, or river; or (B) open body of water such as a wetland […]
Sec. 4. (a) A person who wishes to have a parcel of land classified as a filter strip must have the parcel properly described by the county surveyor or a professional surveyor. The parcel shall be identified by section, township, range, and county references. Plats of the parcel shall be prepared in ink and on […]