Sec. 1. (a) The following are declared to be a public nuisance: (1) A room, a house, a building, a boat, a structure, an automobile, other vehicle, or place of any kind where at least one (1) of the following occurs: (A) An alcoholic beverage of any type is sold, possessed, manufactured, bartered, or given […]
Sec. 10. Abatement Upon Conviction. A person may file a complaint with the circuit or criminal court of the county in which the offense was committed in a case in which a person has been convicted of a violation of this title, to abate as a public nuisance the real estate or other property involved […]
Sec. 11. Injunction Pending Trial. An action seeking relief through an injunction or abatement may be begun, carried on and concluded prior to or during the pending of the criminal prosecution of a defendant arising from or in connection with, or on, or at the room, house, building, boat, structure, automobile, or other vehicle, or […]
Sec. 12. Action by Commission. The commission may enforce a provision of this title or a rule or regulation of the commission against a permittee either by way of seeking a writ of mandate mandating the defendant to comply with a rule or regulation of the commission or by an action for an injunction enjoining […]
Sec. 13. An action authorized by section 12 of this chapter shall be brought in the name of the State of Indiana on the relation of the commission. The commission may be represented by an attorney selected by it, or by the attorney general, or by a deputy or assistant attorney general assigned by the […]
Sec. 14. The remedies authorized by IC 7.1-2-5, and by this chapter are cumulative and in no sense shall one (1) of the remedies exclude another. The remedies provided in this article shall not limit or remove the power of the commission to revoke a permit. [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-38.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. […]
Sec. 2. Public Nuisance: Acts. An act or practice, or manner of conducting a business by a permittee contrary to a provision of this title or to a rule or regulation of the commission, or by a person not a permittee contrary to a provision of this title, shall also constitute a public nuisance if […]
Sec. 3. Public Nuisance: Untaxed Liquor. A malt article, liquid, alcoholic beverage, or container of a substance or beverage in respect to which an excise tax or license fee is imposed under this title and upon which the tax or fee has not been paid, the receptacle in which it is contained and the premises […]
Sec. 4. Abatement of Public Nuisance. The commission, the chairman, the attorney general, a prosecuting attorney, a permittee authorized to sell alcoholic beverages within the county in which a common nuisance exists, kept, or maintained, or a number of permittees authorized to sell alcoholic beverages within the county or elsewhere within the state, or a […]
Sec. 5. Available Remedies. The plaintiff in an action to abate a public nuisance shall not be required to give bond in the action. A temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction, a permanent injunction, and other appropriate relief may be granted in this action as is allowed by the Indiana Rules of Civil Procedure. [Pre-1973 […]
Sec. 6. Evidence of Federal Tax Payment. The payment of a federal government special tax by a person, or the possession by him of a stamp or receipt issued to him by the federal government, either as a retail dealer, or as a wholesale dealer in alcoholic beverages, or the possession by him, or the […]
Sec. 7. Order of Court. The court shall order upon final judgment against the defendant that the room, house, building, structure, boat or place of any kind shall be closed for a period of one (1) year. However, the court may order in the alternative that the premises be closed for only a part of […]
Sec. 8. The bond required by section 7 of this chapter shall be conditioned that an alcoholic beverage will not thereafter be manufactured, possessed, sold, bartered, given away, furnished, or otherwise disposed of in or on the public nuisance, or kept in or on it with the intent to sell, barter, give away, or otherwise […]
Sec. 9. Recovery on Bond. The whole amount of the bond filed under this chapter may be recovered as a penalty if a condition of the bond is violated. The penalty recovered shall be for the use of the city or town, or if outside the limits of a city or town, then to the […]