Sec. 1. A primary source of supply’s amendment of, cancellation of, termination of, or refusal to renew a distribution agreement with a beer wholesaler is not effective unless the requirements of this chapter are satisfied. As added by P.L.139-2021, SEC.2.
Sec. 2. (a) As used in this section, “good cause” means any of the following: (1) A beer wholesaler’s failure to pay a primary source of supply for products in accordance with the approved terms of the distribution agreement. (2) A failure by a beer wholesaler to substantially comply, without reasonable excuse or justification, with […]
Sec. 3. (a) For purposes of this section, “good cause” means any of the following: (1) A revocation or suspension of a beer wholesaler’s: (A) federal basic permit; or (B) permit issued under this title; for more than fourteen (14) days. (2) The assignment or attempted assignment by a beer wholesaler for the benefit of […]
Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to a primary source of supply that intends to amend, cancel, terminate, or refuse to renew distribution agreements with all beer wholesalers who: (1) have entered into the same distribution agreement with the primary source of supply; and (2) are located in the United States. (b) A primary source […]
Sec. 5. A written notice under this chapter must comply with the following: (1) The notice must be sent by certified mail. (2) The notice must state the following: (A) The effective date of the amendment of, cancellation of, termination of, or refusal to renew the distribution agreement. (B) The: (i) nature of; and (ii) […]
Sec. 6. (a) A primary source of supply or a beer wholesaler may not waive any provision of this chapter in a distribution agreement or other agreement. (b) If a beer wholesaler enters into a distribution agreement, supplemental agreement, amendment, or any other agreement with a primary source of supply that waives a law, the […]