Sec. 1. The department shall deposit one and three-fourths cents (1 3/4¢) of the beer excise tax rate collected on each gallon of beer or flavored malt beverage, eleven cents (11¢) of the liquor excise tax rate collected on each gallon of liquor, and four cents (4¢) of the wine excise tax rate collected on […]
Sec. 2. Use of Funds. The monies in the enforcement and administration fund shall be used and disbursed solely for the enforcement and administration of this title, and for no other purpose. Any unexpended balance remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse but shall remain exclusively appropriated and […]
Sec. 3. The chairman shall deposit the monies realized from fines imposed pursuant to the provisions of IC 7.1-3-23-2 in its enforcement and administration fund to be used for the purposes provided in this chapter. [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-7-5.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.86-2018, SEC.137.