Sec. 0.3. The intent and purpose of the amendments made to sections 4, 5, and 6 of this chapter by P.L.94-2008 are the promotion of performing arts in Indiana. As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.179.
Sec. 1. It is a Class C misdemeanor for a person to recklessly hinder, obstruct, interfere with, or prevent the observance or enforcement of any of the following: (1) A provision of this title. (2) A rule or regulation of the commission adopted in the administration of this title. [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-32(2).] Formerly: Acts […]
[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-3-2-4.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.727.
Sec. 11. (a) This section does not apply to the possession, purchase, or use of powdered or crystalline alcohol for bona fide research purposes by any of the following: (1) A hospital licensed under IC 16-21. (2) The state department of health. (3) A state educational institution (as defined in IC 21-7-13-32). (4) A private […]
[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-32(3).] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.727.
Sec. 3. Wood Alcohol As Beverage Prohibited. It is a Class A misdemeanor for a person knowingly to give, furnish, barter, keep for sale, or deliver a preparation, liquid, fluid, or drink, or other substance likely or intended to be used as a beverage, that contains wood alcohol. [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-32(1).] Formerly: Acts 1973, […]
Sec. 4. (a) It is a Class B misdemeanor for a person who owns or operates a private or public restaurant or place of public or private entertainment to knowingly or intentionally permit another person to come into the establishment with an alcoholic beverage for sale or gift, or for consumption in the establishment by […]
Sec. 4.6. (a) As used in this section, “art instruction studio” means any commercial establishment that provides to its customers: (1) all required supplies; and (2) step-by-step instruction in creating a painting or other work of art; during a studio instructional session that is not conducted on a licensed premises. (b) As used in this […]
Sec. 5. (a) This section does not apply to a person who, on or about a licensed premises, carries, conveys, or consumes beer or wine: (1) described in IC 7.1-1-2-3(a)(4); and (2) not sold or offered for sale. (b) This section does not apply to a person at a facility that is used in connection […]
Sec. 6. (a) It is a Class C misdemeanor for a person to knowingly carry liquor into a restaurant or place of public entertainment for the purpose of consuming it, displaying it, or selling, furnishing, or giving it away to another person on the premises, or for the purpose of having it served to himself […]
[Pre-1973 Recodification Citations: 7-1-2-1; 7-2-1-13.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1; Acts 1975, P.L.34, SEC.3. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.2, SEC.36. Repealed by P.L.102-1989, SEC.8.
[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-2-1-9(f).] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.51, SEC.8.
Sec. 9. It is a Class C misdemeanor for a permittee to knowingly or intentionally purchase, receive, or import beer from a brewer or other person located outside this state unless the bond and agreement required by this title have been accepted by the commission and are currently effective. [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-2-2-2.] Formerly: Acts […]