Section 139A.1 – Title.
139A.1 Title. This chapter shall be known as the “Communicable and Infectious Disease Reporting and Control Act”. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §1
139A.1 Title. This chapter shall be known as the “Communicable and Infectious Disease Reporting and Control Act”. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §1
139A.10 Fees for removing. The officers designated shall receive reasonable compensation for their services as determined by the local board. The amount determined shall be certified and paid in the same manner as other expenses incurred under this chapter. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §10; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §133
139A.11 Services and supplies — isolation — quarantine. If the person under isolation or quarantine or the person liable for the support of the person, in the opinion of the local board, is financially unable to secure proper care, provisions, or medical attendance, the local board shall furnish supplies and services during the period of […]
139A.12 County liability for care, provisions, and medical attendance. The local board shall provide proper care, provisions, and medical attendance for any person removed and isolated or quarantined in a separate house or hospital for detention and treatment, and the care, provisions, and medical attendance shall be paid for by the county in which the […]
139A.13 Rights of isolated or quarantined persons. Any person removed and isolated or quarantined in a separate house or hospital may, at the person’s own expense, employ the health care provider of the person’s choice, and may provide such supplies and commodities as the person may require. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §13
139A.13A Employment protection. 1. An employer shall not discharge an employee, or take or fail to take action regarding an employee’s promotion or proposed promotion, or take action to reduce an employee’s wages or benefits for actual time worked, due to the compliance of an employee with a quarantine or isolation order or voluntary confinement […]
139A.14 Services or supplies — authorization. All services or supplies furnished to persons under this chapter must be authorized by the local board or an officer of the local board, and a written order designating the person employed to furnish such services or supplies, issued before the services or supplies are furnished, shall be attached […]
139A.15 Filing of bills. All bills incurred under this chapter in establishing, maintaining, and terminating isolation and quarantine, in providing a necessary house or hospital for isolation or quarantine, and in making terminal cleanings, shall be filed with the local board. The local board at its next regular meeting or special meeting called for this […]
139A.16 Allowing claims. All bills for supplies furnished and services rendered for persons removed and isolated or quarantined in a separate house or hospital, or for persons financially unable to provide their own sustenance and care during isolation or quarantine, shall be allowed and paid for only on a basis of the local market price […]
139A.17 Approval and payment of claims. The board of supervisors is not bound by the action of the local board in approving the bills, but shall pay the bills for a reasonable amount and within a reasonable time. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §17
139A.18 Reimbursement from county. If any person receives services or supplies under this chapter who does not have residence in the county in which the bills were incurred and paid, the amount paid shall be certified to the board of supervisors of the county in which the person claims residence or owns property, and the […]
139A.19 Care provider notification. 1. a. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if a care provider sustains a significant exposure from an individual while rendering health care services or other services, the individual to whom the care provider was exposed is deemed to consent to a test to determine if the individual […]
139A.2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Area quarantine” means prohibiting ingress and egress to and from a building or buildings, structure or structures, or other definable physical location, or portion thereof, to prevent or contain the spread of a suspected or confirmed quarantinable disease or to prevent or […]
139A.20 Exposing to communicable disease. A person who knowingly exposes another to a communicable disease or who knowingly subjects another to a child or other legally incapacitated person who has contracted a communicable disease, with the intent that another person contract the communicable disease, shall be liable for all resulting damages and shall be punished […]
139A.21 Reportable poisonings and illnesses. 1. If the results of an examination by a public, private, or hospital clinical laboratory of a specimen from a person in Iowa yield evidence of or are reactive for a reportable poisoning or a reportable illness from a toxic agent, including methemoglobinemia, the results shall be reported to the […]
139A.22 Prevention of transmission of HIV or HBV to patients. 1. A hospital shall adopt procedures requiring the establishment of protocols applicable on a case-by-case basis to a health care provider determined to be infected with HIV or HBV who ordinarily performs exposure-prone procedures as determined by an expert review panel, within the hospital setting. […]
139A.23 Contingent repeal. If the provisions of Pub. L. No. 102-141 relating to requirements for prevention of transmission of HIV or HBV to patients in the performance of exposure-prone procedures are repealed, section 139A.22 is repealed. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §23
139A.24 Blood donation or sale — penalty. A person suffering from a communicable disease dangerous to the public health who knowingly gives false information regarding the person’s infected state on a blood plasma sale application to blood plasma-taking personnel commits a serious misdemeanor. 2000 Acts, ch 1066, §24
139A.25 Penalties. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, a person who knowingly violates any provision of this chapter, or of the rules of the department or a local board, or any lawful order, written or oral, of the department or board, or of their officers or authorized agents, is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. […]
139A.26 Meningococcal disease vaccination information for postsecondary students. 1. Each institution of higher education that has an on-campus residence hall or dormitory shall provide vaccination information on meningococcal disease to each student enrolled in the institution. The vaccination information shall be contained on student health forms provided to each student by the institution, which forms […]