154E.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Board” means the board of sign language interpreters and transliterators established in chapter 147. 2. “Consumer” means an individual utilizing interpreting services who uses spoken English, American sign language, or a manual form of English. 3. “Department” means the Iowa department of […]
154E.2 Duties of the board. The board shall administer this chapter. The board’s duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Adopt rules consistent with this chapter and with chapter 147 which are necessary for the performance of its duties. 2. Act on matters concerning licensure and the process of applying for, […]
154E.3 Requirements for licensure. On or after July 1, 2005, every person providing interpreting or transliterating services in this state shall be licensed pursuant to this chapter. The board shall adopt rules pursuant to chapters 17A, 147, and 272C establishing procedures for the licensing of new and existing interpreters. Prior to obtaining licensure, an applicant […]
154E.3A Temporary license. Beginning July 1, 2007, an individual who does not meet the requirements for licensure by examination pursuant to section 154E.3 may apply for or renew a temporary license. The temporary license shall authorize the licensee to practice as a sign language interpreter or transliterator under the direct supervision of a sign language […]
154E.4 Exceptions. 1. A person shall not practice interpreting or transliterating, or represent that the person is an interpreter, unless the person is licensed under this chapter. 2. This chapter does not prohibit any of the following: a. Any person residing outside of the state of Iowa holding a current license from another state that […]