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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title IX - LOCAL GOVERNMENT » Chapter 350 - COUNTY CONSERVATION BOARDS

Section 350.1 – Purposes.

350.1 Purposes. The purposes of this chapter are to create a county conservation board and to authorize counties to acquire, develop, maintain, and make available to the inhabitants of the county, public museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreational centers, county forests, wildlife and other conservation areas, and to promote and preserve the health and general […]

Section 350.10 – Statutes applicable.

350.10 Statutes applicable. Sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 apply to all lands and waters under the control of a county conservation board, in the same manner as if the lands and waters were state parks, lands, or waters. As used in sections 461A.35 through 461A.57, “natural resource commission” includes a county conservation board, and “director” includes […]

Section 350.11 – County conservation boards created.

350.11 County conservation boards created. Notwithstanding the referendum specified in section 350.2, the board of supervisors of any county in which a county conservation board has not been established as of January 1, 1989, shall create a county conservation board to become effective July 1, 1989. The membership of a county conservation board created pursuant […]

Section 350.12 – Iowa’s county beautification program.

350.12 Iowa’s county beautification program. 1. A county conservation board may establish an Iowa’s county beautification program to encourage the prevention and cleanup of litter in public areas of the county. The county conservation director shall prepare and implement the program which is designed to employ persons from fourteen years of age to eighteen years […]

Section 350.2 – Petition — board membership.

350.2 Petition — board membership. 1. Upon a petition to the board of supervisors which meets the requirements of section 331.306, the board of supervisors shall submit to the voters at the next general election the question of whether a county conservation board shall be created as provided for in this chapter. If at the […]

Section 350.3 – Meetings — records — annual report.

350.3 Meetings — records — annual report. 1. Within thirty days after the appointment of members of the county conservation board, the board shall organize by selecting from its members a president and secretary and such other officers as are deemed necessary, who shall hold office for the calendar year in which elected and until […]

Section 350.4 – Powers and duties.

350.4 Powers and duties. The county conservation board shall have the custody, control and management of all real and personal property heretofore or hereafter acquired by the county for public museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, county forests, county wildlife areas, and other county conservation and recreation purposes and is authorized and empowered: 1. […]

Section 350.5 – Regulations — penalty — officers.

350.5 Regulations — penalty — officers. 1. The county conservation board may make, alter, amend or repeal regulations for the protection, regulation, and control of all museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, and other property under its control. The regulations shall not be contrary to, or inconsistent with, the laws of this state. 2. […]

Section 350.6 – Moneys — contracts — bonds.

350.6 Moneys — contracts — bonds. 1. Upon request of the county conservation board, the board of supervisors shall establish a reserve for county conservation land acquisition and capital improvement projects. The board of supervisors may periodically credit an amount of money to the reserve. Moneys credited to the reserve shall remain in the reserve […]

Section 350.7 – Joint operations.

350.7 Joint operations. Any county conservation board may cooperate with the federal government or the state government or any department or agency thereof to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter. Any county conservation board may also cooperate with a private, not-for-profit organization to carry out public projects and programs authorized under this […]

Section 350.8 – School property used.

350.8 School property used. The governing body of any school district may grant the use of any buildings, grounds, or equipment of the district to any county conservation board for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter whenever such use of the school buildings, grounds or equipment for such purposes will not […]

Section 350.9 – Advice and assistance.

350.9 Advice and assistance. The natural resource commission and the department of education shall advise with and may assist any county or counties in carrying out the purposes of this chapter. [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §111A.9] 86 Acts, ch 1245, §1879 C93, §350.9