412.1 Authority to establish system. The council, board of waterworks trustees, or other board or commission, whichever is authorized by law to manage and operate any municipally owned waterworks system, or other municipally owned and operated public utility, may establish a pension and annuity retirement system for the employees of any such waterworks system, or […]
412.2 Source of funds. The fund for such pension and annuity retirement system shall be created from any or all of the following sources: 1. From the proceeds of the assessments on the wages and salaries of employees, of any such waterworks system, or other municipally owned and operated public utility, eligible to receive the […]
412.3 Rules. The council, board of waterworks trustees, or other board or commission, whichever is authorized by law to manage and operate such waterworks, or other municipally owned and operated public utility, may formulate and establish such pension and annuity retirement system, and may make and establish such rules for the operation thereof as may […]
412.4 Payments and investments. The council, board of waterworks trustees, or other board or commission, whichever is authorized by law to manage and operate any such waterworks, or other municipally owned and operated public utility, shall have the right and power to contract with any legal reserve insurance company authorized to conduct its business in […]
412.5 Public utility defined. Public utility as that term is used in this chapter shall be limited to any waterworks, sewage works, gas, or electric plants and systems managed, operated, and owned by a municipality. [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §412.5] Referred to in §97B.1A