162.1 Purpose and scope. 1. The purpose of this chapter is to accomplish all of the following: a. Ensure that all dogs and cats handled by commercial establishments are provided with humane care and treatment. b. Regulate the transportation, sale, purchase, housing, care, handling, and treatment of dogs and cats by persons engaged in transporting, […]
162.10 Research facility registration. Repealed by 2010 Acts, ch 1030, §26, 29. See §162.4A.
162.10A Commercial establishments — standard of care. 1. a. A commercial establishment shall provide for a standard of care that ensures that an animal in its possession or under its control is not lacking any of the following: (1) Adequate feed, adequate water, housing facilities, sanitary control, or grooming practices, if such lack causes adverse […]
162.10B Commercial establishments — inspecting state licensees and registrants. The department may inspect the commercial establishment of a registrant or state licensee by entering onto its business premises at any time during normal working hours. The department may inspect records required to be maintained by the state licensee or registrant as provided in this chapter. […]
162.10C Commercial establishments — monitoring permittees. 1. The department may monitor the commercial establishment of a permittee by entering onto its business premises at any time during normal working hours. The department shall monitor the commercial establishment for the limited purpose of determining whether the permittee is providing for a standard of care required for […]
162.10D Commercial establishments — disciplinary actions. 1. The department may take disciplinary action against a person by suspending or revoking the person’s authorization for violating a provision of this chapter or chapter 717B, or who commits an unlawful practice under section 714.16. 2. The department may require an owner, operator, or employee of a commercial […]
162.11 Exceptions. 1. This chapter does not apply to a federal licensee except as provided in the following: a. Section 162.1, subsection 2, and sections 162.2, 162.2A, 162.2B, 162.7, 162.8, 162.9A, 162.10A, 162.10C, 162.10D, 162.12A, and 162.13. b. Section 162.1, subsection 1, but only to the extent required to implement sections described in paragraph “a”. […]
162.12 Denial or revocation of license or registration. A certificate of registration may be denied to any animal shelter, pound, or research facility and a state license may be denied to any public auction, boarding kennel, commercial kennel, pet shop, commercial breeder, or dealer, or an existing certificate of registration or state license may be […]
162.12A Civil penalties. The department shall establish, impose, and assess civil penalties for violations of this chapter. The department may by rule establish a schedule of civil penalties for violations of this chapter. All civil penalties collected under this section shall be deposited into the general fund of the state. 1. a. A commercial establishment […]
162.13 Criminal penalties — confiscation. 1. A person who operates a commercial establishment without an authorization issued or renewed by the department as required in section 162.2A is guilty of a simple misdemeanor and each day of operation is a separate offense. 2. The failure of a person who owns or operates a commercial establishment […]
162.14 Custody by animal warden. An animal warden, upon taking custody of any animal in the course of the warden’s official duties, shall immediately make a record of the matter in the manner prescribed by the secretary and the record shall include a complete description of the animal, reason for seizure, location of seizure, the […]
162.15 Violation by animal warden. Violation of any provision of this chapter which relates to the seizing, impoundment, and custody of an animal by an animal warden shall constitute a simple misdemeanor and each animal handled in violation shall constitute a separate offense. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §162.15]
162.16 Rules. The department shall adopt rules and promulgate forms necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §162.16] 2010 Acts, ch 1030, §24, 29 Referred to in §162.11
162.18 Fees. Repealed by 2010 Acts, ch 1030, §26, 29.
162.19 Abandoned animals destroyed. 1. Whenever any animal is left with a veterinarian, boarding kennel or commercial kennel pursuant to a written agreement and the owner does not claim the animal by the agreed date, the animal shall be deemed abandoned, and a notice of abandonment and its consequences shall be sent within seven days […]
162.2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, except as otherwise expressly provided: 1. “Adequate feed” means the provision at suitable intervals of not more than twenty-four hours or longer if the dietary requirements of the species so require, of a quantity of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the species and age, sufficient to maintain a reasonable […]
162.20 Sterilization. 1. A pound or animal shelter shall not transfer ownership of a dog or cat by sale or adoption, unless the dog or cat is subject to sterilization. The sterilization shall involve a procedure which permanently destroys the capacity of a dog or cat to reproduce, either by the surgical removal or alteration […]
162.2A Application, issuance, and renewal of authorizations. 1. The department shall provide for the operation of a commercial establishment by issuing or renewing an authorization, including any of the following: a. A certificate of registration for a pound, animal shelter, or research facility. b. A state license for a boarding kennel, commercial kennel, or pet […]
162.2B Fees. The department shall establish, assess, and collect fees as provided in this section. 1. A commercial establishment shall pay authorization fees to the department for the issuance or renewal of a certificate of registration, state license, or permit. a. For the issuance or renewal of a certificate of registration, seventy-five dollars. b. For […]
162.2C Commercial establishment fund. 1. A commercial establishment fund is created in the state treasury under the management and control of the department. 2. The fund shall include moneys collected by the department in fees as provided in section 162.2B and moneys appropriated by the general assembly. The fund may include other moneys available to […]