Section 194.1 – Citation of chapter.
194.1 Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as the “Iowa Grading Law for Milk Used for Manufacturing Purposes”. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §194.1]
194.1 Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as the “Iowa Grading Law for Milk Used for Manufacturing Purposes”. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §194.1]
194.10 Milk purchased on basis of grade. All purchases and deliveries of milk and cream for the manufacture of dairy products shall be made on the basis of grades and definitions set forth in this chapter. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §194.10]
194.11 Price differential. All purchasers and receivers of milk for the manufacture of dairy products for human consumption shall maintain a reasonable price differential between the grades of milk as defined by the bacterial estimate tests. This price differential shall not be less than five percent of the price for grade one milk. [C62, 66, […]
194.12 Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.13 Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.14 Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.15 Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.16 Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.17 Records. Each creamery, cheese factory or milk processing plant shall maintain records of all purchases and receipts of milk from individual producers. These records must show: 1. Name of producer. 2. Date of delivery. 3. Quantity delivered. 4. Grade assigned. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §194.17]
194.18 Coloring unlawful milk. A person who holds a milk hauler permit or a milk grader permit pursuant to section 192.111 may mix a harmless coloring matter in unlawful milk as provided in section 194.9 to prevent the unlawful milk from being processed and used in any form for human consumption. [C62, 66, 71, 73, […]
194.19 Licenses for collection vehicles — fees. Repealed by 2002 Acts, ch 1148, §9, 11 .
194.2 Enforcement — rules. 1. The secretary of agriculture shall enforce the provisions of this chapter, and to this end may adopt such rules and regulations pursuant to chapter 17A as may appear necessary, but not inconsistent with this chapter. 2. The secretary may adopt by rule requirements recommended by the United States Department of […]
194.20 Inspection fees — grade “B” milk. A purchaser of milk from a grade “B” milk producer shall pay an inspection fee not greater than one-half cent per hundredweight. The fee is payable monthly to the department at a time prescribed by the department. Fees collected under this section shall be deposited and used as […]
194.21 Bulk tanks on farms for milk. Any producer using a bulk tank for cooling and storage of milk to be used for manufacturing purposes shall have an enclosed milk room which shall conform to the standards provided by this section. The floor shall be constructed of concrete or other impervious material, maintained in good […]
194.25 Violations and penalties. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2, a person who, in person or by an agent or employee, willfully violates any requirement of this chapter shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 2. A person in violation of section 194.3A is subject to the same civil penalty as applied to that […]
194.3 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter: 1. “Bulk milk tanker” means all of the following: a. A bulk milk tanker as defined in section 192.101A. b. A vehicle that transports milk stored in milk cans. 2. “Milk grader” means the same as defined in section 192.101A. 3. “Milk hauler” means the same as […]
194.3A Permit requirements. 1. The department shall issue and renew permits under this chapter as provided by rules adopted by the department. The following persons must receive a permit from and pay a permit fee to the department: a. A milk hauler which must obtain a milk hauler permit. b. A milk grader which must […]
194.4 Physical characteristics. 1. All milk received at a creamery, cheese factory, or milk-processing plant shall be examined for physical characteristics, off-flavors and off-odors, including those associated with developed acidity. The condition of the raw milk shall be wholesome and characteristic of normal milk. The flavor and odor of the raw milk shall be fresh […]
194.5 Frequency of tests. A test shall be made on the first purchase of milk from a new producer and at least once within each thirty-day interval thereafter. One lot of milk from each producer shall be selected at random and tested for extraneous matter by an appropriate method. The secretary shall determine and promulgate […]
194.6 Bacterial test. 1. At least once every thirty days an estimate of the bacterial quality shall be made of each producer’s milk by use of a standard plate count or an equivalent plate counting procedure in an officially designated laboratory. 2. For the purpose of quality improvement and payment, the following classifications of milk […]