478.1 Franchise. 1. A person shall not construct, erect, maintain, or operate a transmission line, wire, or cable that is capable of operating at an electric voltage of sixty-nine kilovolts or more along, over, or across any public highway or grounds outside of cities for the transmission, distribution, or sale of electric current without first […]
478.10 Franchise transferable — notice. When any electric transmission line or lines are sold and transferred either by voluntary or judicial sale, the transfer shall carry with it the franchise under which the improvement is owned, maintained, or operated. If a transfer of such franchise is made before the improvement for which it was issued […]
478.11 Record of franchises. The utilities board shall keep a record of all such franchises granted and issued by it, when and to whom issued, with a general statement of the location, route, and termini of the transmission line or lines covered thereby. When any transfer of such franchise has been made as provided in […]
478.12 Acceptance of franchise. Any person, company, or corporation obtaining a franchise as in this chapter provided, or owning or operating under one, shall be conclusively held to an acceptance of the provisions thereof and of all laws relating to the regulation, supervision, or control thereof which are now in force or which may be […]
478.13 Extension of franchise — public notice. 1. Any person, firm, or corporation owning a franchise granted under this chapter or previously existing law may petition the utilities board for an extension of the franchise. The board shall adopt rules governing extension applications and proceedings with the intent that the extension applications and proceedings are […]
478.14 Service furnished. 1. Any city which owns or operates a system for the distribution of electric light or power, and which has obtained electric energy for such distribution from any person or firm or corporation owning or operating an electric light and power plant or transmission line, shall be entitled to have the service […]
478.15 Eminent domain — procedure — entering on land — reversion on nonuse. 1. Any person, company, or corporation having secured a franchise as provided in this chapter, shall thereupon be vested with the right of eminent domain to such extent as the utilities board may approve, prescribe and find to be necessary for public […]
478.16 Electric transmission lines — federally registered planning authority transmission plans. 1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: a. “Electric transmission line” means a high-voltage electric transmission line with a capacity of one hundred kilovolts or more and any associated electric transmission facility, including any substation or other equipment. b. “Electric […]
478.17 Access to lines — damages. Individuals or corporations operating such transmission lines shall have reasonable access to the same for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, enlarging, repairing, or locating the poles, wires, or construction and other devices used in or upon such line, but shall pay to the owner of such lands and of […]
478.18 Supervision of construction — location. 1. The utilities board shall have power of supervision over the construction of a transmission line and over its future operation and maintenance. 2. A transmission line shall be constructed near and parallel to roads, to the right-of-way of the railways of the state, or along the division lines […]
478.19 Manner of construction. 1. Transmission lines shall be built of strong and proper wires attached to strong and sufficient supports properly insulated at all points of attachment; all wires, poles, and other devices which by ordinary wear or other causes are no longer safe shall be removed and replaced by new wires, poles, or […]
478.2 Petition for franchise — informational meetings held. 1. Any person authorized to transact business in the state including cities may file a verified petition asking for a franchise to erect, maintain, and operate a line or lines for the transmission, distribution, use, and sale of electric current outside cities and for such purpose to […]
478.20 Distance from buildings. No transmission line shall be constructed, except by agreement, within one hundred feet of any dwelling house or other building, except where said line crosses or passes along a public highway or is located alongside or parallel with the right-of-way of any railway company. In addition to the foregoing, each person, […]
478.21 Nonuse — revocation of franchise — extensions of time. 1. If the improvement for which a franchise is granted is not constructed in whole or in part within two years from the date the franchise is granted, or within two years after final unappealable disposition of judicial review of a franchise order or of […]
478.22 Action for violation. When the board determines that a person is in violation of this chapter, the board may commence an action in the district court of the county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred, for injunctive relief or other appropriate remedy. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8330; C46, 50, 54, […]
478.23 Prior franchises — legislative control. Any such franchise heretofore granted under previously existing law shall not be abrogated by the provisions of this chapter, but all such franchises and all franchises granted under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to further legislative control. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8331; C46, 50, 54, […]
478.24 Violations. Any person, company, or corporation constructing or undertaking to construct or maintain any electric transmission line, without first procuring a franchise for such purpose in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor; and for violating any of the other provisions of this chapter relating to electric […]
478.25 Wire crossing railroads — supervision. The utilities board shall have general supervision over any and all wires whatsoever crossing under or over any railway track and shall make rules prescribing the manner in which such wires shall cross such track; but in no case shall the board prescribe a less height for any wire […]
478.26 Wires across railroad right-of-way at highways. The utilities board shall prescribe the manner for the crossing of wires over and across railroad rights-of-way at highways and other places within the state. [S13, §2120-i; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8334; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, §489.25; C66, 71, 73, 75, §489.26; C77, 79, 81, §478.26]
478.27 Wires — how strung. No corporation or person shall place or string any such wire for transmitting electric current or any wire whatsoever across any track of a railroad except in the manner prescribed by the utilities board. [S13, §2120-f; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8335; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, §489.26; C66, 71, […]