480.1 Definitions. 1. “Board” means the board of directors of the notification center. 2. “Damage” means any impact with, destruction, impairment, or penetration of, or removal of support from an underground facility, including damage to its protective coating, housing, or device. 3. “Emergency” means a condition where there is clear and immediate danger to life […]
480.10 Communications not precluded. This chapter shall not be interpreted to preclude an excavator, an operator, or the notification center from having or engaging in communications in addition to the notification requirements specified in this chapter. 2014 Acts, ch 1047, §7
480.1A Applicability — prohibition. This chapter applies to any excavation unless otherwise provided by law. A person shall not engage in any excavation unless the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied. 92 Acts, ch 1103, §2
480.2 Public deposit of location information. Repealed by 92 Acts, ch 1103, §11, 12.
480.3 Notification center established — participation. 1. a. A statewide notification center is established and shall be organized as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to chapter 504. (1) The center shall be governed by a board of directors which shall represent and be elected by operators, excavators, and other persons who participate in the center. The […]
480.4 Required notice — location and marking of underground facilities — exception. 1. a. Except as otherwise provided in this section, prior to any excavation, an excavator shall contact the notification center and provide notice of the planned excavation. This notice must be given at least forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of the excavation, […]
480.5 Damage to underground facility — report to operator. 1. An excavator shall as soon as practical notify the operator when any damage occurs to an underground facility as a result of an excavation. The notice shall include the type of facility damaged and the extent of the damage. If damage occurs, an excavator shall […]
480.6 Civil penalties. 1. A person who violates a provision of this chapter is subject to a civil penalty as follows: a. For a violation related to natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines, an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars for each violation for each day the violation continues, up to a maximum of […]
480.7 Injunction. Any affected person may make application to the district court for injunctive relief from any violation of this chapter. 92 Acts, ch 1103, §7
480.8 Local ordinances and regulations unaffected. This chapter does not affect or impair any local ordinances or other provisions of law requiring permits to be obtained before excavation. However, a permit issued by any governing body does not relieve the excavator from complying with the requirements of this chapter, unless the governing body is the […]
480.9 Liability for owner of farmland. An owner of farmland used in a farm operation, as defined in section 352.2, who complies with the requirements of this chapter shall not be held responsible for any damages to an underground facility, including fiberoptic cable, if the damage occurred on the farmland in the normal course of […]