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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title XII - BUSINESS ENTITIES » Chapter 497 - COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS

Section 497.1 – Purposes of cooperative.

497.1 Purposes of cooperative. Any number of persons, not less than five, may associate themselves as a cooperative association, society, company, or exchange, for the purpose of conducting any agricultural, dairy, ethanol production, mercantile, mining, manufacturing, or mechanical business on the cooperative plan. For the purposes of this chapter, the words “association”, “company”, “corporation”, “exchange”, […]

Section 497.10 – Powers.

497.10 Powers. An association created under this chapter shall have power to conduct any agricultural, dairy, mercantile, mining, manufacturing, or mechanical business, on the cooperative plan, and may buy, sell, and deal in the products of any other cooperative company heretofore or hereafter organized under the provisions hereof. [SS15, §1641-r7; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, […]

Section 497.11 – Ownership of shares and voting power limited.

497.11 Ownership of shares and voting power limited. No stockholder in any such association shall own shares of a greater aggregate par value than five thousand dollars, except as hereinafter provided, nor shall a stockholder be entitled to more than one vote. [SS15, §1641-r8; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8469; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, […]

Section 497.12 – Stockholding.

497.12 Stockholding. At any regular meeting, or any regularly called special meeting, at which at least a majority of all of its stockholders shall be present, or represented, an association organized under this chapter, may by a majority vote of the stockholders present or represented, subscribe for shares and invest its reserve fund, not to […]

Section 497.13 – Issue of shares as payment.

497.13 Issue of shares as payment. Whenever an association created under this chapter shall purchase the business of another association, person, or persons, it may pay for the same in whole or in part by issuing to the selling association or person shares of its capital stock to an amount, which at fair market value […]

Section 497.14 – May act as trustee.

497.14 May act as trustee. In case the cash value of such purchased business exceeds one thousand dollars, the directors of the association are authorized to hold the shares in excess of one thousand dollars in trust for the vendor, and dispose of the same to such persons, and within such times, as may be […]

Section 497.15 – Paid-up stock — right to vote.

497.15 Paid-up stock — right to vote. Certificates of stock shall not be issued to any subscriber until fully paid, but the bylaws of the association may allow subscribers to vote as stockholders; provided part of the stock subscribed for has been paid in cash. [SS15, §1641-r11; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8473; C46, 50, […]

Section 497.16 – Voting by mail.

497.16 Voting by mail. At any regularly called general or special meeting of the stockholders, a written vote received by mail from any absent stockholder, and signed by that stockholder, may be read in such meeting, and shall be equivalent to a vote of each of the stockholders so signing, provided the stockholder has been […]

Section 497.17 – Reserve fund.

497.17 Reserve fund. The board of directors, subject to revision by the association at any general or special meeting, shall each year set aside not less than ten percent of the net profits for a reserve fund, until an amount has accumulated therein equal to fifty percent of the paid-up capital stock. [SS15, §1641-r13; C24, […]

Section 497.18 – Educational fund — dividends.

497.18 Educational fund — dividends. The board may each year, out of remaining net profits, subject to the approval of the association at any general or special meeting: 1. Provide an educational fund to be used in teaching cooperation, not exceeding five percent of the net profits. 2. Declare and pay a dividend on the […]

Section 497.19 – Additional dividends.

497.19 Additional dividends. The remainder of said net profits shall be distributed by uniform dividends upon the amount of purchases of shareholders, and upon the wages and salaries of employees. In producing associations, such as creameries, canneries, elevators, factories, and the like, dividends shall be on raw material delivered instead of on goods purchased. In […]

Section 497.2 – Articles of incorporation.

497.2 Articles of incorporation. They shall sign and acknowledge written articles which shall contain the name of said association and the names and residences of the persons forming the same. Such articles shall also contain a statement of the purposes of the association, and shall designate the city or village where its principal place of […]

Section 497.20 – When dividends distributed.

497.20 When dividends distributed. The profits or net earnings of such associations shall be distributed to those entitled thereto, at such times as the bylaws shall prescribe, which shall be as often as once in twelve months. [SS15, §1641-r14; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8478; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, […]

Section 497.21 – Dissolution.

497.21 Dissolution. If such association, for five consecutive years, shall fail to declare a dividend upon the shares of its paid-up capital, five or more stockholders, by petition, setting forth such fact, may apply to the district court of the county wherein is situated its principal place of business in this state, for its dissolution. […]

Section 497.22 – Biennial report — penalty.

497.22 Biennial report — penalty. 1. Section 504.1613 applies to a cooperative association organized under this chapter in the same manner as that section applies to a corporation organized under chapter 504. In addition to the information required to be set forth in the biennial report under section 504.1613, the cooperative association shall also set […]

Section 497.23 – Exemption from report.

497.23 Exemption from report. Any corporation organized under the provisions of this chapter after the first day of January shall be exempt from the provisions of section 497.22 for the year in which incorporated, after which it shall, however, be subject to all of the provisions of said section. [C27, 31, 35, §8480-a1; C39, §8480.1; […]

Section 497.24 – List of delinquents.

497.24 List of delinquents. In the month of April of each year the secretary of state shall prepare a list of all delinquent corporations and file the same in the secretary of state’s office. [C27, 31, 35, §8480-a2; C39, §8480.2; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §497.24]

Section 497.25 – Notice to delinquents.

497.25 Notice to delinquents. On or before the first day of May of the year the report is due the secretary of state shall mail to each delinquent association a notice of such delinquency and of the penalties provided in section 497.22. [C27, 31, 35, §8480-a3; C39, §8480.3; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, […]

Section 497.26 – Cancellation.

497.26 Cancellation. If the biennial report required is not filed and penalties paid on or before the last day of June the secretary of state shall, on the first day of July following, cancel the name of any delinquent corporation from the list of live corporations in the secretary of state’s office, and enter such […]

Section 497.27 – Effect of cancellation.

497.27 Effect of cancellation. When so canceled the corporate rights of any such corporation shall be forfeited and its corporate period terminated on the date such cancellation shall have been entered on the records of the secretary of state’s office. [C27, 31, 35, §8480-a5; C39, §8480.5; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, […]