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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title XIII - COMMERCE » Chapter 514 - NONPROFIT HEALTH SERVICE CORPORATIONS

Section 514.1 – Applicability — definitions.

514.1 Applicability — definitions. 1. A corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504 for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, and operating a nonprofit hospital service plan, whereby hospital service may be provided by the corporation or by a hospital with which it has a contract for service, to the public who […]

Section 514.10 – Examination.

514.10 Examination. Every such corporation shall be subject to examination under the provisions of chapter 507 and any acts amendatory thereto, so far as the chapter may be applicable. [C39, §8895.10; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §514.10]

Section 514.11 – Costs approved.

514.11 Costs approved. All acquisition costs in connection with the solicitation of subscribers to such hospital service plan or medical service plan or pharmaceutical or optometric service plan, and administration costs including salaries paid its officers, if any, shall at all times be subject to the approval of the commissioner of insurance. [C39, §8895.11; C46, […]

Section 514.12 – Investment of funds.

514.12 Investment of funds. The funds of any corporation subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be invested only in securities permitted by the laws of this state for the investment of funds of life insurance companies. [C39, §8895.12; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §514.12]

Section 514.13 – Arbitration of disputes.

514.13 Arbitration of disputes. Any dispute arising between a corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504, and governed by this chapter, and a provider may be submitted to the commissioner of insurance for a decision. All decisions and findings of the commissioner of insurance may be judicially reviewed in accordance with […]

Section 514.14 – Dissolution or merger.

514.14 Dissolution or merger. Any dissolution, merger, or liquidation of a corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504, and governed by this chapter shall be under the supervision of the commissioner of insurance who shall have all powers with respect thereto granted to the commissioner under the insurance laws of this […]

Section 514.15 – Nonexempt from taxation.

514.15 Nonexempt from taxation. Every corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504, and governed by this chapter, is hereby declared to be a charitable and benevolent institution but its property and funds, including subscribers’ contracts, shall not be exempt from taxation. For purposes of this section, the term “subscriber contract” shall […]

Section 514.16 – Governmental employees included.

514.16 Governmental employees included. An employee or employees of the state, or of any county, city or of any institution supported in whole or in part by public funds, or any subdivisions thereof, may authorize the deduction from their salary or wages of the amount of their subscription payments to any corporation operating a nonprofit […]

Section 514.18 – Podiatric physicians.

514.18 Podiatric physicians. Medical or surgical services or procedures constituting the practice of podiatry, also known as chiropody, as provided in chapter 149, and covered by the terms of any individual, group, blanket, or franchise policy providing accident or health benefits hereafter delivered or hereafter issued for delivery in Iowa and covering an Iowa risk […]

Section 514.19 – Combined service corporations.

514.19 Combined service corporations. A corporation subject to this chapter may combine with any other corporation subject to this chapter as permitted under chapter 504 and upon the approval by the commissioner of insurance. Each corporation shall comply with chapter 504, the corporation’s articles of incorporation, and the corporation’s bylaws. The combined service corporation shall […]

Section 514.2 – Incorporation.

514.2 Incorporation. Persons desiring to form a nonprofit hospital service corporation, or a nonprofit medical service corporation, or a nonprofit pharmaceutical or optometric service corporation shall have been incorporated under the provisions of chapter 504, Code 1989, or shall incorporate under the provisions of current chapter 504. [C39, §8895.02; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, […]

Section 514.21 – Utilization review program.

514.21 Utilization review program. A utilization review program shall be established for purposes of health care cost control, according to usual and customary third-party insurance payment or reimbursement procedures, by a corporation subject to this chapter and by physician providers as defined in section 135.1 and registered nurse providers licensed under chapter 152. This utilization […]

Section 514.23 – Mutualization plan.

514.23 Mutualization plan. 1. A corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504, and governed by this chapter, may become a mutual insurer under a plan which is approved by the commissioner of insurance. The plan shall state whether the insurer will be organized as a for-profit corporation pursuant to chapter 490 […]

Section 514.2A – Service of process.

514.2A Service of process. A nonprofit health service corporation authorized to do business in this state shall file in the office of the commissioner a power of attorney and an agreement in writing that service of process in any action or proceeding against the corporation may be made on the commissioner and shall be of […]

Section 514.3 – Approval by commissioner.

514.3 Approval by commissioner. The articles of incorporation, and any subsequent amendments, of a corporation shall have endorsed on or annexed to those articles or amendments the approval of the commissioner of insurance before the same shall be filed for record. A corporation shall file with the commissioner bylaws and subsequent amendments to the bylaws […]

Section 514.4 – Directors.

514.4 Directors. 1. a. At least two-thirds of the directors of a hospital service corporation, medical service corporation, dental service corporation, or pharmaceutical or optometric service corporation subject to this chapter shall be at all times subscribers and not more than one-third of the directors shall be providers as provided in this section. The board […]

Section 514.5 – Contracts for service.

514.5 Contracts for service. 1. A hospital service corporation organized under chapter 504, Code 1989, or current chapter 504, and governed by this chapter, may enter into contracts for the rendering of hospital service to any of its subscribers with hospitals maintained and operated by the state or any of its political subdivisions, or by […]

Section 514.7 – Contracts — approval by commissioner — provisions to be available.

514.7 Contracts — approval by commissioner — provisions to be available. 1. The contracts by any such corporation with the subscribers for health care service shall at all times be subject to the approval of the commissioner of insurance. The commissioner shall require that participating pharmacies be reimbursed by the pharmaceutical service corporation at rates […]